ArkTs 多worker 实例,并进行掉用传递消息,利用registerGlobalCallObject 传递对象及调用函数,获取buff。

实现多worer,并进行掉用传递消息,利用registerGlobalCallObject 传递对象及调用函数,获取buff。

注意:callGlobalCallObjectMethod 的方法在主线程中运行的。

2024-05-23 22:53:39
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回答 1
回答 1


worker registerGlobalCallObject callGlobalCallObjectMethod SharedArrayBuffer


1、pages/index.ets 入口,调用自定义函数

import { testMultyWorker } from './testWorker'   // 导入方法 
testMultyWorker();   // 测试多worker

2、pages/testWorker.ets 文件实现worker管理调度

import hilog from '@ohos.hilog'; 
import worker,{ MessageEvents } from '@ohos.worker'; 
const mainThreadTag:string ='mainthread==='; 
// 初始化2个worker,如果close或者terminate就不能用了 
let worker1:worker.ThreadWorker = new worker.ThreadWorker('entry/ets/workers/worker1.ets', { name: "worker1" }); 
let worker2:worker.ThreadWorker = new worker.ThreadWorker('entry/ets/workers/worker2.ets', { name: "worker2" }); 
// 自定义单例 
class TestObj { 
  private message : string = "this is a message from TestObj" 
  public getMessage() : string {, mainThreadTag, 'worker call obj func: getMessage()' ); 
    return this.message; 
  public getMessageWithInput(str : string) : string { 
    return this.message + " with input: " + str; 
  public setSharedArrayBuffer() { 
    let num = new Int16Array(this.sharedBuffer); 
    num[0] = 20; 
  public getSharedArrayBuffer():SharedArrayBuffer { 
    return this.sharedBuffer; 
  static registerObj:TestObj = new TestObj(); 
  private sharedBuffer: SharedArrayBuffer = new SharedArrayBuffer(1024); 
// worker 的otnMessage 监听 
function onMessage(e:MessageEvents):void { 
  switch ( as number) { 
    case 0:, mainThreadTag, 'received message type: 0, value is: %{public}s, next to post msg to work2',; 
      worker2.postMessage("This is msg from mainthread switch"); 
    case 1:, mainThreadTag, 'received message value %{public}d, next to post msg to worker1', as number); 
    default:, mainThreadTag, 'invalid type, next to return'); 
      // 增加一个定时,体现worker运行 
      setTimeout(()=>{, mainThreadTag, 'invalid type, next to return22'); }, 5000); 
// export 函数 
export function testMultyWorker() { 
  // 在ThreadWorker实例上注册registerObj 
  worker2.registerGlobalCallObject("myObj", TestObj.registerObj); 
  worker1.registerGlobalCallObject("myObj", TestObj.registerObj);, mainThreadTag, 'this is a msg to start worker'); 
  worker1.postMessage('this is a msg to start worker1'); 
  worker1.onmessage = onMessage; 
  worker2.onmessage = onMessage;, mainThreadTag, '=====end======'); 
  worker1.onexit = () => { 
    console.log("main thread terminate worker1"); 
  worker2.onexit = () => { 
    console.log("main thread terminate worker2"); 

3、pages/worker1.ets 代码

import worker, { ThreadWorkerGlobalScope, MessageEvents, ErrorEvent } from '@ohos.worker'; 
import hilog from '@ohos.hilog'; 
import process from '@ohos.process'; 
const worker1:string = 'worker1==='; 
const workerPort: ThreadWorkerGlobalScope = worker.workerPort; 
 * Defines the event handler to be called when the worker thread receives a message sent by the host thread. 
 * The event handler is executed in the worker thread. 
 * @param e message data 
workerPort.onmessage = (e: MessageEvents) => {, worker1, " === enter worker1, process uid:%{public}d, pid:%{public}d, tid:%{public}d ", 
    process.uid,, process.tid); 
  if ( == 0) { 
    workerPort.postMessage({ 'type': 2 });, worker1, " === begin to end worker1 "); 
    // workerPort.close()    // close后不允许再使用,否则引发crash 
  try { 
    let str1: string = workerPort.callGlobalCallObjectMethod("myObj", "getMessage", 0) as string;, worker1, " call shared class to get func: getMessage(), return is: %{public}s ", str1); 
  } catch (e) {, worker1, " call shared class getMessage get this %{public}s ,errcode %{public}d", e.message, e.code); 
  try { 
    let res: SharedArrayBuffer = workerPort.callGlobalCallObjectMethod("myObj", "getSharedArrayBuffer", 0) as SharedArrayBuffer; 
    let typedArr = new Int16Array(res);, worker1, " ===call shared class func: getSharedArrayBuffer(), return is: %{public}d ", typedArr[0]); 
    typedArr[0] = 25;, worker1, " ===work1 change the value to: %{public}d ", typedArr[0]); 
  } catch (e) {, worker1, " ===call shared class getSharedArrayBuffer get this %{public}s ", e.message); 
  workerPort.postMessage({ 'type': 0, 'value': 'this is a msg from worker1 to main' }); 
 * Defines the event handler to be called when the worker receives a message that cannot be deserialized. 
 * The event handler is executed in the worker thread. 
 * @param e message data 
workerPort.onmessageerror = (e: MessageEvents) => {, worker1," received a message error"); 
 * Defines the event handler to be called when an exception occurs during worker execution. 
 * The event handler is executed in the worker thread. 
 * @param e error message 
workerPort.onerror = (e: ErrorEvent) => {,worker1," worker1 error"); 

4、pages/worker2.ets 代码

import worker, { ThreadWorkerGlobalScope, MessageEvents, ErrorEvent } from '@ohos.worker'; 
import hilog from '@ohos.hilog'; 
import process from '@ohos.process'; 
const worker2:string = 'worker2==='; 
const workerPort: ThreadWorkerGlobalScope = worker.workerPort; 
 * Defines the event handler to be called when the worker thread receives a message sent by the host thread. 
 * The event handler is executed in the worker thread. 
 * @param e message data 
workerPort.onmessage = (e: MessageEvents) => {, worker2, " === enter worker2, process upt %{public}d,%{public}d,%{public}d ", 
    process.uid,, process.tid); 
  let str : string = workerPort.callGlobalCallObjectMethod("myObj", "getMessage", 0) as string;, worker2," call shared class func get value: %{public}s ", str); 
  let res : SharedArrayBuffer = workerPort.callGlobalCallObjectMethod("myObj", "getSharedArrayBuffer", 0) as SharedArrayBuffer; 
  let typedArr = new Int16Array(res);, worker2," ===call shared class func get value: %{public}d ", typedArr[0]); 
  workerPort.postMessage({'type' :1, 'value': typedArr[0] }); 
 * Defines the event handler to be called when the worker receives a message that cannot be deserialized. 
 * The event handler is executed in the worker thread. 
 * @param e message data 
workerPort.onmessageerror = (e: MessageEvents) => {, worker2," received a message error"); 
 * Defines the event handler to be called when an exception occurs during worker execution. 
 * The event handler is executed in the worker thread. 
 * @param e error message 
workerPort.onerror = (e: ErrorEvent) => {, worker2," worker2 error"); 


连续多次调用testMultyWorker() 的运行日志

01-24 15:16:30.959   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     this is a msg to start worker 
01-24 15:16:30.959   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     =====end====== 
01-24 15:16:30.962   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:30.962   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:30.963   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class to get func: getMessage(), return is: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:30.963   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func: getSharedArrayBuffer(), return is: 20 
01-24 15:16:30.963   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===work1 change the value to: 25 
01-24 15:16:30.964   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message type: 0, value is: this is a msg from worker1 to main, next to post msg to work2 
01-24 15:16:30.964   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker2, process upt 20020127,10333,10372 
01-24 15:16:30.964   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:30.964   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class func get value: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:30.965   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func get value: 25 
01-24 15:16:30.965   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message value 25, next to post msg to worker1 
01-24 15:16:30.966   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:30.966   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return 
01-24 15:16:30.966   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === begin to end worker1 
01-24 15:16:31.653   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     this is a msg to start worker 
01-24 15:16:31.654   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     =====end====== 
01-24 15:16:31.654   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:31.656   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:31.656   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class to get func: getMessage(), return is: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:31.656   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func: getSharedArrayBuffer(), return is: 20 
01-24 15:16:31.657   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===work1 change the value to: 25 
01-24 15:16:31.657   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message type: 0, value is: this is a msg from worker1 to main, next to post msg to work2 
01-24 15:16:31.657   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker2, process upt 20020127,10333,10372 
01-24 15:16:31.657   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:31.658   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class func get value: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:31.658   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func get value: 25 
01-24 15:16:31.658   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message value 25, next to post msg to worker1 
01-24 15:16:31.659   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:31.659   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return 
01-24 15:16:31.659   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === begin to end worker1 
01-24 15:16:31.812   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return22 
01-24 15:16:32.033   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     this is a msg to start worker 
01-24 15:16:32.033   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     =====end====== 
01-24 15:16:32.034   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:32.034   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:32.034   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class to get func: getMessage(), return is: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:32.035   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func: getSharedArrayBuffer(), return is: 20 
01-24 15:16:32.035   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===work1 change the value to: 25 
01-24 15:16:32.035   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message type: 0, value is: this is a msg from worker1 to main, next to post msg to work2 
01-24 15:16:32.035   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker2, process upt 20020127,10333,10372 
01-24 15:16:32.036   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:32.036   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class func get value: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:32.036   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func get value: 25 
01-24 15:16:32.037   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message value 25, next to post msg to worker1 
01-24 15:16:32.038   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:32.038   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return 
01-24 15:16:32.038   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === begin to end worker1 
01-24 15:16:32.376   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     this is a msg to start worker 
01-24 15:16:32.376   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     =====end====== 
01-24 15:16:32.377   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:32.377   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:32.378   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class to get func: getMessage(), return is: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:32.378   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func: getSharedArrayBuffer(), return is: 20 
01-24 15:16:32.378   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===work1 change the value to: 25 
01-24 15:16:32.378   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message type: 0, value is: this is a msg from worker1 to main, next to post msg to work2 
01-24 15:16:32.379   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker2, process upt 20020127,10333,10372 
01-24 15:16:32.379   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:32.379   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class func get value: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:32.379   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func get value: 25 
01-24 15:16:32.380   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message value 25, next to post msg to worker1 
01-24 15:16:32.380   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:32.380   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === begin to end worker1 
01-24 15:16:32.380   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return 
01-24 15:16:32.777   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     this is a msg to start worker 
01-24 15:16:32.778   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     =====end====== 
01-24 15:16:32.779   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:32.779   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:32.779   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class to get func: getMessage(), return is: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:32.780   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func: getSharedArrayBuffer(), return is: 20 
01-24 15:16:32.780   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===work1 change the value to: 25 
01-24 15:16:32.780   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message type: 0, value is: this is a msg from worker1 to main, next to post msg to work2 
01-24 15:16:32.781   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker2, process upt 20020127,10333,10372 
01-24 15:16:32.781   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:32.781   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class func get value: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:32.782   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func get value: 25 
01-24 15:16:32.782   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message value 25, next to post msg to worker1 
01-24 15:16:32.783   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:32.783   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === begin to end worker1 
01-24 15:16:32.783   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return 
01-24 15:16:33.161   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     this is a msg to start worker 
01-24 15:16:33.161   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     =====end====== 
01-24 15:16:33.162   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:33.163   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:33.163   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class to get func: getMessage(), return is: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:33.163   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func: getSharedArrayBuffer(), return is: 20 
01-24 15:16:33.163   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===work1 change the value to: 25 
01-24 15:16:33.164   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message type: 0, value is: this is a msg from worker1 to main, next to post msg to work2 
01-24 15:16:33.164   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker2, process upt 20020127,10333,10372 
01-24 15:16:33.164   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:33.164   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class func get value: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:33.165   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func get value: 25 
01-24 15:16:33.165   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message value 25, next to post msg to worker1 
01-24 15:16:33.165   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:33.165   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === begin to end worker1 
01-24 15:16:33.166   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return 
01-24 15:16:33.520   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     this is a msg to start worker 
01-24 15:16:33.521   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     =====end====== 
01-24 15:16:33.521   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:33.522   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:33.522   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class to get func: getMessage(), return is: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:33.522   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func: getSharedArrayBuffer(), return is: 20 
01-24 15:16:33.522   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===work1 change the value to: 25 
01-24 15:16:33.523   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message type: 0, value is: this is a msg from worker1 to main, next to post msg to work2 
01-24 15:16:33.523   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker2, process upt 20020127,10333,10372 
01-24 15:16:33.523   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:33.523   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class func get value: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:33.524   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func get value: 25 
01-24 15:16:33.524   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message value 25, next to post msg to worker1 
01-24 15:16:33.524   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:33.525   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === begin to end worker1 
01-24 15:16:33.525   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return 
01-24 15:16:33.889   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     this is a msg to start worker 
01-24 15:16:33.889   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     =====end====== 
01-24 15:16:33.890   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:33.891   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:33.891   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class to get func: getMessage(), return is: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:33.891   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func: getSharedArrayBuffer(), return is: 20 
01-24 15:16:33.891   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===work1 change the value to: 25 
01-24 15:16:33.892   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message type: 0, value is: this is a msg from worker1 to main, next to post msg to work2 
01-24 15:16:33.892   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker2, process upt 20020127,10333,10372 
01-24 15:16:33.892   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     worker call obj func: getMessage() 
01-24 15:16:33.893   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      call shared class func get value: this is a message from TestObj 
01-24 15:16:33.893   10333-10372  A00000/worker2===              com.examp...i11_test  I      ===call shared class func get value: 25 
01-24 15:16:33.893   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     received message value 25, next to post msg to worker1 
01-24 15:16:33.894   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === enter worker1, process uid:20020127, pid:10333, tid:10371 
01-24 15:16:33.894   10333-10371  A00000/worker1===              com.examp...i11_test  I      === begin to end worker1 
01-24 15:16:33.894   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return 
01-24 15:16:35.968   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return22 
01-24 15:16:36.660   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return22 
01-24 15:16:37.039   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return22 
01-24 15:16:37.382   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return22 
01-24 15:16:37.784   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return22 
01-24 15:16:38.166   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return22 
01-24 15:16:38.525   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return22 
01-24 15:16:38.895   10333-10333  A00000/mainthread===           com.examp...i11_test  I     invalid type, next to return22 



SDK版本:OpenHarmony 4..5.6

2024-05-24 22:27:18
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