使用Scan Kit(统一扫码服务)调用扫码
// BarcodePage.ets 默认界面扫码 import { hilog } from '@kit.PerformanceAnalysisKit'; import { scanCore, scanBarcode } from '@kit.ScanKit'; import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit'; const TAG = 'ScanKit scanBarcode'; let typeStr: Array<string> = ['FORMAT_UNKNOWN', 'AZTEC_CODE', 'CODABAR_CODE', 'CODE39_CODE', 'CODE93_CODE', 'CODE128_CODE', 'DATAMATRIX_CODE', 'EAN8_CODE', 'EAN13_CODE', 'ITF14_CODE', 'PDF417_CODE', 'QR_CODE', 'UPC_A_CODE', 'UPC_E_CODE', '']; @Entry @Component struct ScanBarcodePage { @State inputValue: string = '' @State scanType: number = -1 build() { Column() { Button('默认界面扫码') .backgroundColor($r('sys.color.ohos_id_color_button_normal')) .fontColor($r('sys.color.ohos_id_color_text_primary_activated')) .align(Alignment.Center) .type(ButtonType.Capsule) .margin({ bottom: 12 }) .width('90%') .height(40) .margin({ top: 5, bottom: 5 }) .onClick(() => { // 定义扫码参数options let options: scanBarcode.ScanOptions = { scanTypes: [scanCore.ScanType.ALL], enableMultiMode: true, enableAlbum: true }; try { scanBarcode.startScanForResult(getContext(this), options).then((result: scanBarcode.ScanResult) => { // 收到正确的扫码返回 this.scanType = result.scanType; this.inputValue = result.originalValue; hilog.debug(0x0001, TAG, `Succeeded in getting ScanResult by promise with options, result is ${JSON.stringify(result)}`); }).catch((error: BusinessError) => { if (error.code == scanCore.ScanErrorCode.SCAN_SERVICE_CANCELED) {, TAG, `Disabling the Scanning Service.`); } else { hilog.error(0x0001, TAG, `Failed to start the scanning service. Code: ${error.code}`); } }); } catch (error) { hilog.error(0x0001, TAG, `Failed to start scan. Code: ${error.code}`); } }) CustomTextBox({ scanType: typeStr[this.scanType], inputValue: this.inputValue }) } .width('100%') .height('100%') .justifyContent(FlexAlign.Center) .alignItems(HorizontalAlign.Center) } } @Component export struct CustomTextBox { @Prop inputValue: string = '' @Prop scanType: string = '' build() { Column() { Column() { Text(this.scanType) .fontSize(20) .fontColor(Color.Black) .fontWeight(FontWeight.Normal) .align(Alignment.Center) .width('90%') .margin({ top: 5, bottom: 5 }) } Column() { Text(this.inputValue) .fontSize(20) .fontColor(Color.Black) .fontWeight(FontWeight.Normal) .align(Alignment.Center) .width('90%') .margin({ top: 5, bottom: 5 }) } } } }