import { camera } from '@kit.CameraKit'; import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit'; import { image } from '@kit.ImageKit'; import { photoAccessHelper } from '@kit.MediaLibraryKit'; import { abilityAccessCtrl, PermissionRequestResult, Permissions } from '@kit.AbilityKit'; import { promptAction } from '@kit.ArkUI'; import { fileIo } from '@kit.CoreFileKit'; const TAG = '[CameraDemo]'; @Entry @Component struct CameraDemo { context: Context = getContext(this) as Context; @State pixelMap: image.PixelMap | undefined = undefined; @State finalPixelMap: image.PixelMap | undefined = undefined; @State buffer: ArrayBuffer | undefined = undefined; @State surfaceId: string = ''; @State hasPicture: boolean = false; @State fileNames: string[] = []; @State imageSize: image.Size = { width: 1920, height: 1080 }; @State saveButtonOptions: SaveButtonOptions = { icon: SaveIconStyle.FULL_FILLED, text: SaveDescription.SAVE_IMAGE, buttonType: ButtonType.Capsule } // 设置安全控件按钮属性 private mXComponentController: XComponentController = new XComponentController; private cameraManager: camera.CameraManager | undefined = undefined; private cameraSession: camera.PhotoSession | undefined = undefined; private photoOutput: camera.PhotoOutput | undefined = undefined; private cameraInput: camera.CameraInput | undefined = undefined; private previewOutput: camera.PreviewOutput | undefined = undefined; private imageReceiver: image.ImageReceiver | undefined = undefined; aboutToAppear(): void { let permissions: Array<Permissions> = [ 'ohos.permission.CAMERA', 'ohos.permission.WRITE_MEDIA', 'ohos.permission.READ_MEDIA', 'ohos.permission.MEDIA_LOCATION', ]; let atManager: abilityAccessCtrl.AtManager = abilityAccessCtrl.createAtManager(); // requestPermissionsFromUser会判断权限的授权状态来决定是否唤起弹窗 atManager.requestPermissionsFromUser(this.context, permissions).then((data: PermissionRequestResult) => { let grantStatus: Array<number> = data.authResults; let length: number = grantStatus.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (grantStatus[i] != 0) { // 用户拒绝授权,提示用户必须授权才能访问当前页面的功能,并引导用户到系统设置中打开相应的权限 return; } }`${TAG} Success to request permissions from user. authResults is ${grantStatus}.`); }).catch((err: BusinessError) => { console.error(`${TAG} Failed to request permissions from user. Code is ${err.code}, message is ${err.message}`); }) } createCameraManager() { // 创建CameraManager对象 let cameraManager: camera.CameraManager = camera.getCameraManager(this.context); if (!cameraManager) { console.error('CameraDemo camera.getCameraManager error'); return; } this.cameraManager = cameraManager // 监听相机状态变化 this.cameraManager.on('cameraStatus', (err: BusinessError, cameraStatusInfo: camera.CameraStatusInfo) => {`CameraDemo camera: ${}, status: ${cameraStatusInfo.status}`); }); } build() { Column() { Column({ space: 20 }) { if (this.hasPicture) { Image(this.finalPixelMap) .objectFit(ImageFit.Fill) .width('100%') .height(300) SaveButton(this.saveButtonOptions)// 创建安全控件按钮 .onClick(async (event, result: SaveButtonOnClickResult) => { if (result == SaveButtonOnClickResult.SUCCESS) { if (this.finalPixelMap) { try { // 1、使用安全控件创建文件 let phAccessHelper: photoAccessHelper.PhotoAccessHelper = photoAccessHelper.getPhotoAccessHelper(this.context); let options: photoAccessHelper.CreateOptions = { title: }; // createAsset的调用需要ohos.permission.READ_IMAGEVIDEO和ohos.permission.WRITE_IMAGEVIDEO的权限 let photoUri: string = await phAccessHelper.createAsset(photoAccessHelper.PhotoType.IMAGE, 'png', options);'CameraDemo createAsset successfully, photoUri: ' + photoUri); let file: fileIo.File = fileIo.openSync(photoUri, fileIo.OpenMode.WRITE_ONLY); fileIo.writeSync(file.fd, this.buffer); fileIo.closeSync(file); promptAction.showToast({ message: `保存成功` }) } catch (error) { let err = error as BusinessError; console.error(`CameraDemo savePicture error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`); promptAction.showToast({ message: `保存失败` }) } } } else { console.error('CameraDemo SaveButtonOnClickResult createAsset failed.'); promptAction.showToast({ message: `保存失败` }) } setTimeout(() => { this.hasPicture = false; this.finalPixelMap = undefined; }, 1000) }) } else { XComponent({ id: '', type: 'surface', libraryname: '', controller: this.mXComponentController }) .onLoad(() => { // 设置Surface宽高(1920*1080),预览尺寸设置参考前面 previewProfilesArray 获取的当前设备所支持的预览分辨率大小去设置 // 预览流与录像输出流的分辨率的宽高比要保持一致 this.mXComponentController.setXComponentSurfaceSize({ surfaceWidth: 1920, surfaceHeight: 1080 }); // 获取Surface ID this.surfaceId = this.mXComponentController.getXComponentSurfaceId(); setTimeout(async () => { await this.prepareCamera(); }, 500); }) .width('100%') .height(600) Button('拍照') .width(200) .height(30) .onClick(async () => { let photoCaptureSetting: camera.PhotoCaptureSetting = { quality: camera.QualityLevel.QUALITY_LEVEL_HIGH, // 设置图片质量高 rotation: camera.ImageRotation.ROTATION_0 // 设置图片旋转角度0 } // 1、通过拍照流实现:点击拍照 await this.photoOutput?.capture(photoCaptureSetting).catch((error: BusinessError) => { console.error(`CameraDemo Failed to capture the photo ${error.message}`); //不符合条件则进入 }) this.hasPicture = true; }) } } .width('100%') .height('100%') .padding(15) .borderRadius(8) } .width('100%') .height('100%') .backgroundColor('#FFFFFF') } async prepareCamera() { this.createCameraManager(); if (!this.cameraManager) { console.error('CameraDemo cameraManager is undefined.') return; } // 获取支持指定的相机设备对象 let cameraDevices: Array<camera.CameraDevice> = []; try { cameraDevices = this.cameraManager.getSupportedCameras(); } catch (error) { let err = error as BusinessError; console.error(`CameraDemo The getSupportedCameras call failed. error: ${JSON.stringify(err)}`) } cameraDevices.forEach((cameraDevice: camera.CameraDevice) => {`CameraDemo cameraId: ${cameraDevice.cameraId}, cameraPosition: ${cameraDevice.cameraPosition.toString()}, cameraType: ${cameraDevice.cameraType.toString()}, connectionType: ${cameraDevice.connectionType.toString()}`) }) // 创建相机输入流 try { this.cameraInput = this.cameraManager.createCameraInput(cameraDevices[0]); } catch (error) { let err = error as BusinessError; } } }