HarmonyOS jscrash,代码报Error message:is not callable
struct Index {
vm = new ViewModel()
build() {
Column() {
Row() {
ForEach(this.vm.names, (item: string, index: number) => {
Column() {
name: item,
color: index == this.vm.currentIndex ? Color.Red : Color.Blue
// 下面这个版本不崩溃
// if (this.vm.currentIndex == index) {
// PersonComponent({
// name: item,
// color: Color.Red
// })
// } else {
// PersonComponent({
// name: item,
// color: Color.Blue
// })
// }
}.onClick(() => {
this.vm.currentIndex = index
struct PersonComponent {
name: string = ''
color: ResourceColor = Color.Blue
build() {
Column() {
Shape() {
class ViewModel {
@Trace names = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Charles', 'David', 'Eve']
@Trace currentIndex = 0
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正确用法,类似于在ForEach的Column中直接刷新UI,例如Text(“索引” + this.vm.currentIndex)