HarmonyOS deviceInfo获取的设备信息中,哪一项可以确定是HarmonyOS系统
the value of the manufactureInfo is :HUAWEI
the value of the device brand is :HUAWEI
the value of the deviceInfo marketName is :HUAWEI Mate 60 Pro
the value of the deviceInfo productSeries is :xxx
the value of the deviceInfo productModel is :xxx
the value of the deviceInfo softwareModel is :xxx
the value of the deviceInfo hardwareModel is :xxx
the value of the deviceInfo serial is :
the value of the deviceInfo bootloaderVersion is :bootloader
the value of the deviceInfo abiList is :arm64-v8a
the value of the deviceInfo securityPatchTag is :2024/07/01
the value of the deviceInfo displayVersion is :xxx
the value of the deviceInfo incrementalVersion is :default
the value of the deviceInfo osReleaseType is :xxx
the value of the deviceInfo osFullName is :xxx
the value of the deviceInfo majorVersion is :2
the value of the deviceInfo seniorVersion is :2
the value of the deviceInfo featureVersion is :0
the value of the deviceInfo buildVersion is :0
the value of the deviceInfo sdkApiVersion is :12
the value of the deviceInfo firstApiVersion is :1
the value of the deviceInfo versionId is :xxx
the value of the deviceInfo buildType is :default
the value of the deviceInfo buildUser is :default
the value of the deviceInfo buildHost is :default
the value of the deviceInfo buildTime is :default
the value of the deviceInfo buildRootHash is :default
the value of the deviceInfo udid is :
the value of the deviceInfo distributionOSName is :
the value of the deviceInfo distributionOSVersion is :xxx
the value of the deviceInfo distributionOSApiVersion is :xxx
the value of the deviceInfo distributionOSReleaseType is :xxx
the value of the deviceInfo odid is :xxxx
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回答 1
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目前没有获取原生系统名字"HarmonyOS"的接口,建议本地维护一个默认值,HarmonyOS应用正式名称为:“HarmonyOS NEXT”。