Execution failed for task ':entry:signDebugShell'. > Sign shell failed. For details, see the log.
Execution failed for task ':entry:signDebugShell'.
> Sign shell failed. For details, see the log.
* Try:
> Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
> Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
> Run with --scan to get full insights.
DevEco Studio
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回答 1
预览出现问题:Preview failed. View details in the PreviewerLog window
1222浏览 • 1回复 待解决
error: install failed due to grant request permissions failed.
4405浏览 • 1回复 待解决
打开预览Preview failed. Unable to start the previewer. Open PreviewerLog to check for details.
2301浏览 • 1回复 待解决
ERROR: Schema validate failed.
738浏览 • 1回复 待解决
Error: Install eTS failed.
3948浏览 • 1回复 待解决
编译报错:hvigor ERROR: Error, Schema validate failed.
2719浏览 • 1回复 待解决
deveco studio 安装 HarmonyOS SDK出现error:execute task failed
12747浏览 • 1回复 待解决
HarmonyOS task.on('failed') 无法拿到具体的错误信息
14浏览 • 1回复 待解决
错误码code:9568393 error: verify code signature failed.怎么处理?
707浏览 • 1回复 待解决
安装配置OpenHarmony SDK时,Install ets failed.怎么解决?
8840浏览 • 1回复 待解决
错误码code:9568359 error: installd set selinux label failed.怎么处理?
336浏览 • 1回复 待解决
错误码code: 9568347 error: install parse native so failed.如何处理
1424浏览 • 1回复 待解决
HarmonyOS 蓝牙扫描报错 [napi_bluetooth_access.cpp(EnableBluetooth:67)]bluetoothManager napi assert failed.
17浏览 • 1回复 待解决
Task assembleHap not found in hvigor node: entry
1891浏览 • 1回复 待解决
安装HAP时提示“code:9568289 error: install failed due to grant request permissions failed”
2242浏览 • 1回复 待解决
hdc shell bm clean -n com.feeyo.variflight -d 报错 error: failed to clean bundle data files.
316浏览 • 1回复 待解决
报错error: install failed due to grant request permissions failed Error while Deploy Hap
2230浏览 • 0回复 待解决
HarmonyOS 安装hap的时候code:9568289 error: install failed due to grant request permissions failed
618浏览 • 1回复 待解决
You can check information in the Log window for more details.
769浏览 • 0回复 待解决
Failed to start MySQL Monitor.
3413浏览 • 2回复 待解决