SpringCloud Alibaba系列—3Nacos数据一致性协议

发布于 2022-8-25 11:22

作者 | 一起撸Java
来源 |今日头条


  1. 理解一致性协议的概念
  2. Nacos中的一致性协议有哪几种以及各自的特点
  3. Distro协议的流程
  4. Raft协议的流程
    第1章 一致性概述

1.1 弱一致性


  • DNS(Domain Name System)
  • Gossip(Cassandra、Redis的通信协议)
    1.2 强一致性


  • 基本思想:主从同步复制



  • 存在的问题: 一个节点失败,Master阻塞,导致整集群不可用,保证了一致性,可用性大大降低
  • 基本思想:每次写都保证写入大于N/2个节点,每次读保证从大于N/2个节点中读。



1.3 Paxos
Paxos算法是莱斯利·兰伯特(Leslie Lamport)1990年提出的一种基于消息传递的一致性算法。Paxos的发展分类:Basic Paxos、Multi Paxos、Fast Paxos

1.3.1 Basic Paxos

Client: 系统外部角色,请求发起者。像民众

Proposer: 接受Client请求,向集群提出提议(propose),并在冲突发生时,起到冲突调解的作用。像议员,替民众提出议案




Phase 1a:Prepare proposer提出一个提议,编号为N,此N大于这个proposer之前提出的提案编号。请求acceptors的quorum接受。

Phase 1b:Promise 如果N大于此acceptor之前接受的任何提案编号则接受,否则拒绝。

Phase 2a:Accept 如果达到了多数派,proposer会发出 accept请求,此请求包含提案编号N,以及提案内容。

Phase 2b:Accepted 如果此acceptor在此期间没有收到任何编号大于N的提案,则接受此提案内容,否则忽略。



there is 1 Client, 1 Proposer, 3 Acceptors (i.e. the Quorum size is 3) and 2 Learners (represented by the 2 vertical lines).

This diagram represents the case of a first round, which is successful (i.e. no process in the network fails).Client   Proposer      Acceptor     Learner     |         |          |  |  |       |  |   X-------->|          |  |  |       |  |  Request   |         X--------->|->|->|       |  |  Prepare(1)   |         |<---------X--X--X       |  |  Promise(1,{Va,Vb,Vc})   |         X--------->|->|->|       |  |  Accept!(1,V)   |         |<---------X--X--X------>|->|  Accepted(1,V)   |<---------------------------------X--X  Response   |         |          |  |  |       |  |


In the following diagram, one of the Acceptors in the Quorum fails, so the Quorum size becomes 2. In this case, the Basic Paxos protocol still succeeds.Client   Proposer      Acceptor     Learner   |         |          |  |  |       |  |   X-------->|          |  |  |       |  |  Request   |         X--------->|->|->|       |  |  Prepare(1)   |         |          |  |  !       |  |  !! FAIL !!   |         |<---------X--X          |  |  Promise(1,{Va, Vb, null})   |         X--------->|->|          |  |  Accept!(1,V)   |         |<---------X--X--------->|->|  Accepted(1,V)   |<---------------------------------X--X  Response   |         |          |  |          |  | 


In the following case, one of the (redundant) Learners fails, but the Basic Paxos protocol still succeeds.Client Proposer         Acceptor     Learner   |         |          |  |  |       |  |   X-------->|          |  |  |       |  |  Request   |         X--------->|->|->|       |  |  Prepare(1)   |         |<---------X--X--X       |  |  Promise(1,{Va,Vb,Vc})   |         X--------->|->|->|       |  |  Accept!(1,V)   |         |<---------X--X--X------>|->|  Accepted(1,V)   |         |          |  |  |       |  !  !! FAIL !!   |<---------------------------------X     Response   |         |          |  |  |       |


In this case, a Proposer fails after proposing a value, but before the agreement is reached. Specifically, it fails in the middle of the Accept message, so only one Acceptor of the Quorum receives the value. Meanwhile, a new Leader (a Proposer) is elected (but this is not shown in detail).Note that there are 2 rounds in this case (rounds proceed vertically, from the top to the bottom).Client  Proposer        Acceptor     Learner   |      |             |  |  |       |  |   X----->|             |  |  |       |  |  Request   |      X------------>|->|->|       |  |  Prepare(1)   |      |<------------X--X--X       |  |  Promise(1,{Va, Vb, Vc})   |      |             |  |  |       |  |   |      |             |  |  |       |  |  !! Leader fails during broadcast !!   |      X------------>|  |  |       |  |  Accept!(1,V)   |      !             |  |  |       |  |   |         |          |  |  |       |  |  !! NEW LEADER !!   |         X--------->|->|->|       |  |  Prepare(2)   |         |<---------X--X--X       |  |  Promise(2,{V, null, null})   |         X--------->|->|->|       |  |  Accept!(2,V)   |         |<---------X--X--X------>|->|  Accepted(2,V)   |<---------------------------------X--X  Response   |         |          |  |  |       |  |


  • 活锁(livelock)或决斗(dueling)
The most complex case is when multiple Proposers believe themselves to be Leaders. For instance, the current leader may fail and later recover, but the other Proposers have already re-selected a new leader. The recovered leader has not learned this yet and attempts to begin one round inconflict with the current leader. In the diagram below, 4 unsuccessful rounds are shown, but there could be more (as suggested at the bottom ofthe diagram). Client   Leader         Acceptor     Learner|      |             |  |  |       |  |X----->|             |  |  |       |  |  Request|      X------------>|->|->|       |  |  Prepare(1)|      |<------------X--X--X       |  |  Promise(1,{null,null,null})|      !             |  |  |       |  |  !! LEADER FAILS|         |          |  |  |       |  |  !! NEW LEADER (knows last number was 1)|         X--------->|->|->|       |  |  Prepare(2)|         |<---------X--X--X       |  |  Promise(2,{null,null,null})|      |  |          |  |  |       |  |  !! OLD LEADER recovers|      |  |          |  |  |       |  |  !! OLD LEADER tries 2, denied|      X------------>|->|->|       |  |  Prepare(2)|      |<------------X--X--X       |  |  Nack(2)|      |  |          |  |  |       |  |  !! OLD LEADER tries 3|      X------------>|->|->|       |  |  Prepare(3)|      |<------------X--X--X       |  |  Promise(3,{null,null,null})|      |  |          |  |  |       |  |  !! NEW LEADER proposes, denied|      |  X--------->|->|->|       |  |  Accept!(2,Va)|      |  |<---------X--X--X       |  |  Nack(3)|      |  |          |  |  |       |  |  !! NEW LEADER tries 4|      |  X--------->|->|->|       |  |  Prepare(4)|      |  |<---------X--X--X       |  |  Promise(4,{null,null,null})|      |  |          |  |  |       |  |  !! OLD LEADER proposes, denied|      X------------>|->|->|       |  |  Accept!(3,Vb)|      |<------------X--X--X       |  |  Nack(4)|      |  |          |  |  |       |  |  ... and so on ...


  • 难实现、效率低(2轮RTT)
    Basic Paxos的难度是较为出名的,且不易理解; 提交提议、提交提案(日志)内容进行了两轮RTT操作,效率较低。

1.3.2 Multi Paxos

减少角色,简化步骤: 由于Basic Paxos存在活锁问题,而且根因是多个Proposer导致的。Multi Paxos则提出了一个新的概念——Leader,由于Basic Paxos存在两轮RTT导致的效率低下问题,Multi Paxos则通过Leader角色 + 在消息中增加一个随机的I(the round number I is included along with each value which is incremented in each round by the same Leader),使得两轮RTT只在竞选Leader时出现,其余情况只进行一轮RTT




1、从Basic Paxos Protocol的角色关系出发:  In the following diagram, only one instance (or "execution") of the basic Paxos protocol, with an initial Leader (a Proposer), is shown. Note that a Multi-Paxos consists of several instances of the basic Paxos protocol.Client   Proposer      Acceptor     Learner|         |          |  |  |       |  | --- First Request ---X-------->|          |  |  |       |  |  Request|         X--------->|->|->|       |  |  Prepare(N)|         |<---------X--X--X       |  |  Promise(N,I,{Va,Vb,Vc})|         X--------->|->|->|       |  |  Accept!(N,I,V)|         |<---------X--X--X------>|->|  Accepted(N,I,V)|<---------------------------------X--X  Response|         |          |  |  |       |  |where V = last of (Va, Vb, Vc).2、从Multi Paxos Protocol角色关系出发:A common deployment of the Multi-Paxos consists in collapsing the role of the Proposers, Acceptors and Learners to "Servers". So, in the end, there are only "Clients" and "Servers".Client      Servers|         |  |  | --- First Request ---X-------->|  |  |  Request|         X->|->|  Prepare(N)|         |<-X--X  Promise(N, I, {Va, Vb})|         X->|->|  Accept!(N, I, Vn)|         X<>X<>X  Accepted(N, I)|<--------X  |  |  Response|         |  |  |​


1、从Basic Paxos Protocol的角色关系出发: In this case, subsequence instances of the basic Paxos protocol (represented by I+1) use the same leader, so the phase 1 (of these subsequentinstances of the basic Paxos protocol), which consist in the Prepare and Promise sub-phases, is skipped. Note that the Leader should be stable,i.e. it should not crash or change.The following diagram represents the first "instance" of a basic Paxos protocol, when the roles of the Proposer, Acceptor and Learner are collapsed to a single role, called the "Server".Client   Proposer       Acceptor     Learner|         |          |  |  |       |  |  --- Following Requests ---X-------->|          |  |  |       |  |  Request|         X--------->|->|->|       |  |  Accept!(N,I+1,W)|         |<---------X--X--X------>|->|  Accepted(N,I+1,W)|<---------------------------------X--X  Response|         |          |  |  |       |  |2、从Multi Paxos Protocol角色关系出发:In the subsequent instances of the basic Paxos protocol, with the same leader as in the previous instances of the basic Paxos protocol, the phase 1 can be skipped.Client      ServersX-------->|  |  |  Request|         X->|->|  Accept!(N,I+1,W)|         X<>X<>X  Accepted(N,I+1)|<--------X  |  |  Response|         |  |  |

1.4 ZAB
ZAB的全称是Zookeeper atomic broadcast protocol,是Zookeeper内部用到的一致性协议。基本与Raft相同。在一些名词的叫法上有些区别:如ZAB将某一个leader的周期称为epoch,而Raft则称为Term。实现上也有些许不同:Raft保证日志连续性,心跳方向为Leader至Follower。ZAB则相反。

第2章 Nacos一致性协议

2.1 Raft


Spring Cloud Alibaba Nacos 在 1.0.0 正式支持 AP 和 CP 两种一致性协议,其中 CP一致性协议实现,是基于简化的 Raft 的 CP 一致性。


Nacos支持集群模式,很显然。 而一旦涉及到集群,就涉及到主从,那么nacos是一种什么样的机制来实现的集群呢?

nacos的集群类似于zookeeper, 它分为leader角色和follower角色, 那么从这个角色的名字可以看出来,这个集群存在选举的机制。 因为如果自己不具备选举功能,角色的命名可能就是master/slave了, 当然这只是我基于这么多组件的命名的一个猜测。


2.1.1 选举算法
Nacos集群采用raft算法来实现,它是相对zookeeper的选举算法较为简单的一种。 选举算法的核心在 RaftCore 中,包括数据的处理和数据同步

  • 在Raft中,节点有三种角色:



  • 选举分为两个时间点:


所有节点启动的时候,都是follower状态。 如果在一段时间内如果没有收到leader的心跳(可能是没有 leader,也可能是leader挂了),那么follower会变成Candidate。然后发起选举,选举之前,会增加 term,这个term和zookeeper中的epoch的道理是一样的。


  • 在这个过程中,可能出现几种情况



  • 选举的几种情况:

第二种情况,比如有三个节点A B C。A B同时发起选举,而A的选举消息先到达C,C给A投了一 票,当B的消息到达C时,已经不能满足上面提到的第一个约束,即C不会给B投票,而A和B显然都不会给对方投票。A胜出之后,会给B,C发心跳消息,节点B发现节点A的term不低于自己的term, 知道有已经有Leader了,于是转换成follower。

第三种情况, 没有任何节点获得majority(超过半数的)投票,可能是平票的情况。加入总共有四个节点 (A/B/C/D),Node C、Node D同时成为了candidate,但Node A投了NodeD一票,NodeB投 了Node C一票,这就出现了平票 split vote的情况。这个时候大家都在等啊等,直到超时后重新发起选举。如果出现平票的情况,那么就延长了系统不可用的时间,因此raft引入了randomized election timeouts来尽量避免平票情况.

2.1.2 源码 RaftCore初始化





@DependsOn("ProtocolManager")@Componentpublic class RaftCore {        //构建一个单线程池    private final ScheduledExecutorService executor = ExecutorFactory.Managed            .newSingleScheduledExecutorService(ClassUtils.getCanonicalName(NamingApp.class),                    new NameThreadFactory("com.alibaba.nacos.naming.raft.notifier"));    @PostConstruct    public void init() throws Exception {        Loggers.RAFT.info("initializing Raft sub-system");//开启一个notifier监听,这个线程中会遍历listeners,根据ApplyAction执行相应的逻辑                executor.submit(notifier);        final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();        //启动的时候先加载本地日志        //遍历/nacos/data/naming/data/文件件,也就是从磁盘中加载Datum到内存,用来做数据恢复。(数据同步采用2pc协议,leader收到请求会写写入到磁盘日志,然后再进行数据同步)        //Datum:kv对        //datums:ConcurrentMap<String, Datum>内存数据存储        raftStore.loadDatums(notifier, datums);        //设置term值,从/nacos/data/naming/meta.properties本地磁盘中读取term的值,如果为null,默认为0        setTerm(NumberUtils.toLong(raftStore.loadMeta().getProperty("term"), 0L));        Loggers.RAFT.info("cache loaded, datum count: {}, current term: {}", datums.size(), peers.getTerm());        while (true) {            if (notifier.tasks.size() <= 0) {                break;            }            Thread.sleep(1000L);        }        initialized = true;        Loggers.RAFT.info("finish to load data from disk, cost: {} ms.", (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));//开启定时任务,每500ms执行一次,用来判断是否需要发起leader选举        GlobalExecutor.registerMasterElection(new MasterElection());        //每500ms发起一次心跳        GlobalExecutor.registerHeartbeat(new HeartBeat());        Loggers.RAFT.info("timer started: leader timeout ms: {}, heart-beat timeout ms: {}",                          GlobalExecutor.LEADER_TIMEOUT_MS, GlobalExecutor.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS);    }} RaftCore.MasterElection

public class MasterElection implements Runnable {    @Override    public void run() {        try {            //如果还没有初始化完成            if (!peers.isReady()) {                return;            }//获取当前机器上跑的这个peer节点信息            RaftPeer local = peers.local();            //leader选举触发间隔时间,第一次进来,会生成(0~15000毫秒)之间的一个随机数-500.//后面由于500ms调度一次,所以每次该线程被调起,会将该leaderDueMs减去TICK_PERIOD_MS(500ms),直到小于0的时候会触发选举//后面每次收到一次leader的心跳就会重置leaderDueMs = 15s+(随机0-5s)            local.leaderDueMs -= GlobalExecutor.TICK_PERIOD_MS;//当间隔时间>0,直接返回,等到下一次500ms后再调用            if (local.leaderDueMs > 0) {                return;            }            // reset timeout            //重置选举间隔时间            local.resetLeaderDue();            //重置心跳间隔时间            local.resetHeartbeatDue();//将本地选举投票通过http发送其他几台服务器            sendVote();        } catch (Exception e) {            Loggers.RAFT.warn("[RAFT] error while master election {}", e);        }    }    private void sendVote() {//获取本机的节点信息        RaftPeer local = peers.get(NetUtils.localServer());        Loggers.RAFT.info("leader timeout, start voting,leader: {}, term: {}", JacksonUtils.toJson(getLeader()),                          local.term);//重置peers,各个peer的voteFor与leader设为null        peers.reset();//每一次投票,都累加一次term,表示当前投票的轮数,选举计数器,记录本地发起的是第几轮选举        local.term.incrementAndGet();        //投票选自己,此时peers中有一个votefor就是自己        local.voteFor = local.ip;        //本地server状态设置为CANDIDATE竞选状态        local.state = RaftPeer.State.CANDIDATE;        Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(1);        params.put("vote", JacksonUtils.toJson(local));//设置本机请求参数        //遍历除了本机ip之外的其他节点,把自己的票据发送给所有节点,将选自己的投票发送给其他servers,获取其他机器的选票信息        for (final String server : peers.allServersWithoutMySelf()) {            //API_VOTE:  /raft/vote            final String url = buildUrl(server, API_VOTE);            try {                //发起投票                HttpClient.asyncHttpPost(url, null, params, new AsyncCompletionHandler<Integer>() {                    @Override                    public Integer onCompleted(Response response) throws Exception {                        if (response.getStatusCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {                            Loggers.RAFT                                .error("NACOS-RAFT vote failed: {}, url: {}", response.getResponseBody(), url);                            return 1;                        }//获取其他server的响应                        RaftPeer peer = JacksonUtils.toObj(response.getResponseBody(), RaftPeer.class);                        Loggers.RAFT.info("received approve from peer: {}", JacksonUtils.toJson(peer));//计算leader                        peers.decideLeader(peer);                        return 0;                    }                });            } catch (Exception e) {                Loggers.RAFT.warn("error while sending vote to server: {}", server);            }        }    }} RaftController.vote

@PostMapping("/vote")public JsonNode vote(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {    RaftPeer peer = raftCore.receivedVote(JacksonUtils.toObj(WebUtils.required(request, "vote"), RaftPeer.class));    return JacksonUtils.transferToJsonNode(peer);} RaftCore.receivedVote

  • 这个方法主要就是处理自己的选票的,当收到其他机器拉票的请求的时候,会比较term,如果自身的term大于全程请求机器的term,并且自己的选票没有还没投出去的时候,就把选票投给自己。


public synchronized RaftPeer receivedVote(RaftPeer remote) {    if (!peers.contains(remote)) {        throw new IllegalStateException("can not find peer: " + remote.ip);    }//获取本机的节点信息    RaftPeer local = peers.get(NetUtils.localServer());    //如果请求的任期小于自己的任期并且还没有投出选票,那么将票投给自己    if (remote.term.get() <= local.term.get()) {        String msg = "received illegitimate vote" + ", voter-term:" + remote.term + ", votee-term:" + local.term;        Loggers.RAFT.info(msg);        //如果voteFor为空,表示在此之前没有收到其他节点的票据。则把remote节点的票据设置到自己的节点上        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(local.voteFor)) {            local.voteFor = local.ip;        }        return local;    }    //如果上面if不成立,说明请求的任期>本地的任期 ,remote机器率先发起的投票,那么就认同他的投票    local.resetLeaderDue(); //重置本地机器的选举间隔时间    local.state = RaftPeer.State.FOLLOWER; //设置本机机器为follower,并且为请求过来的机器投票    local.voteFor = remote.ip;//本地机器投票给remote的机器    local.term.set(remote.term.get());;//同步remote的term    Loggers.RAFT.info("vote {} as leader, term: {}", remote.ip, remote.term);    return local;}​ decideLeader

public RaftPeer decideLeader(RaftPeer candidate) {    peers.put(candidate.ip, candidate);    SortedBag ips = new TreeBag();    //选票最多的票数    int maxApproveCount = 0;    //选票最多的ip    String maxApprovePeer = null;    /*** 假设3个节点:A,B,C* local节点为A,假设A,B,C第一轮同时发起选举请求* 第一轮投票结果:    * 第一次for循环是A自己的投票(投票给自己):maxApproveCount = 1,maxApprovePeer = A* 第二次for循环是B服务器返回的投票,该投票投向B:* 此时 if (ips.getCount(peer.voteFor) > maxApproveCount) 条件不成立,maxApproveCount = 1,maxApprovePeer = A* 第三次for循环是C服务器返回的投票,该投票投向C* 此时 if (ips.getCount(peer.voteFor) > maxApproveCount) 条件不成立,maxApproveCount = 1,maxApprovePeer = A* 第二轮投票结果:    * 第一次for循环是A自己的投票(投票给自己):maxApproveCount = 1,maxApprovePeer = A* 第二次for循环是B服务器返回的投票,该投票投向A:* 此时 if (ips.getCount(peer.voteFor) > maxApproveCount) 条件成立,maxApproveCount = 2,maxApprovePeer = A* 第三次for循环是C服务器返回的投票,该投票投向C* 此时 if (ips.getCount(peer.voteFor) > maxApproveCount) 条件不成立,maxApproveCount = 1,maxApprovePeer = A* */    for (RaftPeer peer : peers.values()) {        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(peer.voteFor)) {            continue;        }//收集选票        ips.add(peer.voteFor);        if (ips.getCount(peer.voteFor) > maxApproveCount) {            maxApproveCount = ips.getCount(peer.voteFor);            maxApprovePeer = peer.voteFor;        }    }//majorityCount()过半节点数:2(假设3个节点)//第一轮:maxApproveCount = 1 if条件不成立,返回leader,此时leader为null,没有选举成功//第二轮:maxApproveCount = 2 if条件成立,返回leader,此时leader为A,没有选举成功    if (maxApproveCount >= majorityCount()) {        RaftPeer peer = peers.get(maxApprovePeer);        peer.state = RaftPeer.State.LEADER;//成为Leader        if (!Objects.equals(leader, peer)) {            leader = peer;            // 如果当前leader和选举出来的leader不是同一个,那么将选举的leader重置并且发布一个leader选举完成的事件            ApplicationUtils.publishEvent(new LeaderElectFinishedEvent(this, leader, local()));            Loggers.RAFT.info("{} has become the LEADER", leader.ip);        }    }//返回Leader    return leader;} addInstance
比如我们在注册服务时,调用addInstance之后,最后会调用 consistencyService.put(key, instances); 这个方法,来实现数据一致性的同步。

public void addInstance(String namespaceId, String serviceName, boolean ephemeral, Instance... ips)    throws NacosException {    String key = KeyBuilder.buildInstanceListKey(namespaceId, serviceName, ephemeral);    Service service = getService(namespaceId, serviceName);    synchronized (service) {        List<Instance> instanceList = addIpAddresses(service, ephemeral, ips);        Instances instances = new Instances();        instances.setInstanceList(instanceList);//数据同步        consistencyService.put(key, instances);    }} RaftConsistencyServiceImpl.put
调用 consistencyService.put 用来发布类容,也就是实现数据的一致性同步。

@Overridepublic void put(String key, Record value) throws NacosException {    try {        raftCore.signalPublish(key, value);    } catch (Exception e) {        Loggers.RAFT.error("Raft put failed.", e);        throw new NacosException(NacosException.SERVER_ERROR, "Raft put failed, key:" + key + ", value:" + value,                                 e);    }} RaftCore.signalPublish

public static final Lock OPERATE_LOCK = new ReentrantLock();public void signalPublish(String key, Record value) throws Exception {//如果接受的节点不是Leader节点    if (!isLeader()) {        ObjectNode params = JacksonUtils.createEmptyJsonNode();        params.put("key", key);        params.replace("value", JacksonUtils.transferToJsonNode(value));        Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<>(1);        parameters.put("key", key);//获取Leader节点        final RaftPeer leader = getLeader();        //转发到Leader节点        raftProxy.proxyPostLarge(leader.ip, API_PUB, params.toString(), parameters);        return;    }    //如果自己是leader,则向所有节点发送onPublish请求。这个所有节点包含自己    try {        //加锁        OPERATE_LOCK.lock();        final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();        final Datum datum = new Datum();        datum.key = key;        datum.value = value;        if (getDatum(key) == null) {            datum.timestamp.set(1L);        } else {            datum.timestamp.set(getDatum(key).timestamp.incrementAndGet());        }        ObjectNode json = JacksonUtils.createEmptyJsonNode();        json.replace("datum", JacksonUtils.transferToJsonNode(datum));        json.replace("source", JacksonUtils.transferToJsonNode(peers.local()));//onPublish可以当做是一次心跳了,更新选举检查时间,然后一个重点就是term增加100了。//当然还是就是更新内容了,先写文件,再更新内存缓存。(也就是先记录本地日志)        onPublish(datum, peers.local()); //发送数据到所有节点        final String content = json.toString(); //CountDownLatch 用于控制过半提交        final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(peers.majorityCount());        //遍历所有节点,发送事务提交请求,把记录在本地日志中的数据进行提交        for (final String server : peers.allServersIncludeMyself()) {            if (isLeader(server)) {                latch.countDown();                continue;            }            //API_ON_PUB: /raft/datum/commit  采用的是二阶段提交            final String url = buildUrl(server, API_ON_PUB);            HttpClient.asyncHttpPostLarge(url, Arrays.asList("key=" + key), content,                                          new AsyncCompletionHandler<Integer>() {                                              @Override                                              public Integer onCompleted(Response response) throws Exception {                                                  if (response.getStatusCode() != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) {                                                      Loggers.RAFT                                                          .warn("[RAFT] failed to publish data to peer, datumId={}, peer={}, http code={}",                                                                datum.key, server, response.getStatusCode());                                                      return 1;                                                  }                                                  latch.countDown();                                                  return 0;                                              }                                              @Override                                              public STATE onContentWriteCompleted() {                                                  return STATE.CONTINUE;                                              }                                          });        }        if (!latch.await(UtilsAndCommons.RAFT_PUBLISH_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) {            // only majority servers return success can we consider this update success            Loggers.RAFT.error("data publish failed, caused failed to notify majority, key={}", key);            throw new IllegalStateException("data publish failed, caused failed to notify majority, key=" + key);        }        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();        Loggers.RAFT.info("signalPublish cost {} ms, key: {}", (end - start), key);    } finally {        OPERATE_LOCK.unlock();    }} onPublish

private volatile ConcurrentMap<String, Datum> datums = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();public void onPublish(Datum datum, RaftPeer source) throws Exception {    RaftPeer local = peers.local();    if (datum.value == null) {        Loggers.RAFT.warn("received empty datum");        throw new IllegalStateException("received empty datum");    }    if (!peers.isLeader(source.ip)) {        Loggers.RAFT            .warn("peer {} tried to publish data but wasn't leader, leader: {}", JacksonUtils.toJson(source),                  JacksonUtils.toJson(getLeader()));        throw new IllegalStateException("peer(" + source.ip + ") tried to publish " + "data but wasn't leader");    }    if (source.term.get() < local.term.get()) {        Loggers.RAFT.warn("out of date publish, pub-term: {}, cur-term: {}", JacksonUtils.toJson(source),                          JacksonUtils.toJson(local));        throw new IllegalStateException(            "out of date publish, pub-term:" + source.term.get() + ", cur-term: " + local.term.get());    }//重置选举间隔时间    local.resetLeaderDue();    // if data should be persisted, usually this is true:    if (KeyBuilder.matchPersistentKey(datum.key)) {        //存储到本地磁盘中        raftStore.write(datum);    }//并且存储到内存中    datums.put(datum.key, datum);//如果是leader,term增加100    if (isLeader()) {        local.term.addAndGet(PUBLISH_TERM_INCREASE_COUNT);    } else {        if (local.term.get() + PUBLISH_TERM_INCREASE_COUNT > source.term.get()) {            //set leader term:            getLeader().term.set(source.term.get());            local.term.set(getLeader().term.get());        } else {            local.term.addAndGet(PUBLISH_TERM_INCREASE_COUNT);        }    }    //更新本地磁盘文件meta.properties下的term值    raftStore.updateTerm(local.term.get());        notifier.addTask(datum.key, ApplyAction.CHANGE);    Loggers.RAFT.info("data added/updated, key={}, term={}", datum.key, local.term);}


@PostMapping("/datum/commit")public String onPublish(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {    response.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=" + getAcceptEncoding(request));    response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");    response.setHeader("Content-Encode", "gzip");    String entity = IoUtils.toString(request.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");    String value = URLDecoder.decode(entity, "UTF-8");    JsonNode jsonObject = JacksonUtils.toObj(value);    String key = "key";    RaftPeer source = JacksonUtils.toObj(jsonObject.get("source").toString(), RaftPeer.class);    JsonNode datumJson = jsonObject.get("datum");    Datum datum = null;    //根据不同数据类型进行处理    if (KeyBuilder.matchInstanceListKey(datumJson.get(key).asText())) {        datum = JacksonUtils.toObj(jsonObject.get("datum").toString(), new TypeReference<Datum<Instances>>() {        });    } else if (KeyBuilder.matchSwitchKey(datumJson.get(key).asText())) {        datum = JacksonUtils.toObj(jsonObject.get("datum").toString(), new TypeReference<Datum<SwitchDomain>>() {        });    } else if (KeyBuilder.matchServiceMetaKey(datumJson.get(key).asText())) {        datum = JacksonUtils.toObj(jsonObject.get("datum").toString(), new TypeReference<Datum<Service>>() {        });    }    raftConsistencyService.onPut(datum, source);    return "ok";}

raftConsistencyService.onPut(datum, source);我们进入到该方法中

public void onPut(Datum datum, RaftPeer source) throws NacosException {    try {        //在本地写入数据        raftCore.onPublish(datum, source);    } catch (Exception e) {        Loggers.RAFT.error("Raft onPut failed.", e);        throw new NacosException(NacosException.SERVER_ERROR,                                 "Raft onPut failed, datum:" + datum + ", source: " + source, e);    }}

已于2022-8-25 11:22:19修改