SpringCloud Alibaba系列——10Dubbo的集群容错原理

发布于 2022-8-18 17:23

作者 | 一起撸Java
来源 |今日头条


  1. Dubbo的集群容错有哪几种及各自的特点
  2. Dubbo的集群容错原理
    第1章 集群容错原理分析

SpringCloud Alibaba系列——10Dubbo的集群容错原理-鸿蒙开发者社区1.1 功能描述
集群调用失败时,Dubbo 提供的容错方案

在集群调用失败时,Dubbo 提供了多种容错方案,缺省为 failover 重试。


1.2 FailoverClusterInvoker
1.2.1 使用场景
失败自动切换,当出现失败,重试其它服务器。通常用于读操作,但重试会带来更长延迟。可通过 retries="2" 来设置重试次数(不含第一次)。该配置为缺省配置

1.2.2 源码分析


cluster = "failover"

@DubboReference(check = false/*,url = "dubbo://localhost:20880"*/,retries = 3,timeout = 6000,cluster = "failover",loadbalance = "random")
@Overridepublic Result invoke(final Invocation invocation) throws RpcException {    //判断是否销毁    checkWhetherDestroyed();    // binding attachments into invocation.    //    Map<String, Object> contextAttachments =    RpcContext.getClientAttachment().getObjectAttachments();    //    if (contextAttachments != null && contextAttachments.size() != 0) {    //      ((RpcInvocation)    invocation).addObjectAttachmentsIfAbsent(contextAttachments);    //    }    //获取服务列表    List<Invoker<T>> invokers = list(invocation);    //spi 获取负载均衡类实例    LoadBalance loadbalance = initLoadBalance(invokers, invocation);    RpcUtils.attachInvocationIdIfAsync(getUrl(), invocation);    return doInvoke(invocation, invokers, loadbalance);}


public Result doInvoke(Invocation invocation, final List<Invoker<T>> invokers, LoadBalance                       loadbalance) throws RpcException {    List<Invoker<T>> copyInvokers = invokers;    //invokers校验    checkInvokers(copyInvokers, invocation);    String methodName = RpcUtils.getMethodName(invocation);    //计算调用次数    int len = calculateInvokeTimes(methodName);    // retry loop.    RpcException le = null; // last exception.    //记录已经调用过了的服务列表    List<Invoker<T>> invoked = new ArrayList<Invoker<T>>(copyInvokers.size()); // invoked invokers.    Set<String> providers = new HashSet<String>(len);    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {        //Reselect before retry to avoid a change of candidate `invokers`.        //NOTE: if `invokers` changed, then `invoked` also lose accuracy.        //如果掉完一次后,服务列表更新了,再次获取服务列表        if (i > 0) {            checkWhetherDestroyed();            copyInvokers = list(invocation);            // check again            checkInvokers(copyInvokers, invocation);        }        //根据负载均衡算法,选择一个服务调用        Invoker<T> invoker = select(loadbalance, invocation, copyInvokers, invoked);        //记录已经调用过的invoker        invoked.add(invoker);        RpcContext.getServiceContext().setInvokers((List) invoked);        try {            //具体的服务调用逻辑            Result result = invokeWithContext(invoker, invocation);            if (le != null && logger.isWarnEnabled()) {                logger.warn("Although retry the method " + methodName                            + " in the service " + getInterface().getName()                            + " was successful by the provider " + invoker.getUrl().getAddress()                            + ", but there have been failed providers " + providers                            + " (" + providers.size() + "/" + copyInvokers.size()                            + ") from the registry " + directory.getUrl().getAddress()                            + " on the consumer " + NetUtils.getLocalHost()                            + " using the dubbo version " + Version.getVersion() + ". Last error is: "                            + le.getMessage(), le);            }            return result;        } catch (RpcException e) {            if (e.isBiz()) { // biz exception.                throw e;            }            le = e;        } catch (Throwable e) {            le = new RpcException(e.getMessage(), e);        } finally {            providers.add(invoker.getUrl().getAddress());        }    }    throw new RpcException(le.getCode(), "Failed to invoke the method "                           + methodName + " in the service " + getInterface().getName()                           + ". Tried " + len + " times of the providers " + providers                           + " (" + providers.size() + "/" + copyInvokers.size()                           + ") from the registry " + directory.getUrl().getAddress()                           + " on the consumer " + NetUtils.getLocalHost() + " using the dubbo version "                           + Version.getVersion() + ". Last error is: "                           + le.getMessage(), le.getCause() != null ? le.getCause() : le);}


1.3 FailfastClusterInvoker
1.3.1 使用场景

1.3.2 源码分析

@Overridepublic Result doInvoke(Invocation invocation, List<Invoker<T>> invokers, LoadBalance                       loadbalance) throws RpcException {    checkInvokers(invokers, invocation);    //负载均衡选择一个invoker    Invoker<T> invoker = select(loadbalance, invocation, invokers, null);    try {        //掉后端接口        return invokeWithContext(invoker, invocation);    } catch (Throwable e) {        if (e instanceof RpcException && ((RpcException) e).isBiz()) { // biz exception.            throw (RpcException) e;        }        //如果调用出现异常,直接把异常包装成RpcException往上抛了        throw new RpcException(e instanceof RpcException ? ((RpcException) e).getCode() :                               0,                               "Failfast invoke providers " + invoker.getUrl() + " " +                               loadbalance.getClass().getSimpleName()                               + " for service " + getInterface().getName()                               + " method " + invocation.getMethodName() + " on consumer " +                               NetUtils.getLocalHost()                               + " use dubbo version " + Version.getVersion()                               + ", but no luck to perform the invocation. Last error is: " +                               e.getMessage(),                               e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause() : e);    }}


1.4 FailsafeClusterInvoker
1.4.1 使用场景

1.4.2 源码分析

@Overridepublic Result doInvoke(Invocation invocation, List<Invoker<T>> invokers, LoadBalance                       loadbalance) throws RpcException {    try {        checkInvokers(invokers, invocation);        Invoker<T> invoker = select(loadbalance, invocation, invokers, null);        return invokeWithContext(invoker, invocation);    } catch (Throwable e) {        //可以看到这里,如果调用有异常了,这里是直接打印日志然后返回结果,相当于忽略了异常        logger.error("Failsafe ignore exception: " + e.getMessage(), e);        return AsyncRpcResult.newDefaultAsyncResult(null, null, invocation); // ignore    }}


1.5 FailbackClusterInvoker
1.5.1 使用场景

1.5.2 源码分析

@Overrideprotected Result doInvoke(Invocation invocation, List<Invoker<T>> invokers, LoadBalance                          loadbalance) throws RpcException {    Invoker<T> invoker = null;    try {        checkInvokers(invokers, invocation);        invoker = select(loadbalance, invocation, invokers, null);        return invokeWithContext(invoker, invocation);    } catch (Throwable e) {        logger.error("Failback to invoke method " + invocation.getMethodName() + ", wait for retry in background. Ignored exception: " + e.getMessage() + ", ", e);        //可以看这里把失败调用记录了下来,用于定时器重发        addFailed(loadbalance, invocation, invokers, invoker);        return AsyncRpcResult.newDefaultAsyncResult(null, null, invocation); // ignore    }}
private void addFailed(LoadBalance loadbalance, Invocation invocation, List<Invoker<T>>                       invokers, Invoker<T> lastInvoker) {    if (failTimer == null) {        synchronized (this) {            if (failTimer == null) {                failTimer = new HashedWheelTimer(                    new NamedThreadFactory("failback-cluster-timer", true),                    1,                    TimeUnit.SECONDS, 32, failbackTasks);            }        }    }    RetryTimerTask retryTimerTask = new RetryTimerTask(loadbalance, invocation, invokers,                                                       lastInvoker, retries, RETRY_FAILED_PERIOD);    try {        failTimer.newTimeout(retryTimerTask, RETRY_FAILED_PERIOD, TimeUnit.SECONDS);    } catch (Throwable e) {        logger.error("Failback background works error,invocation->" + invocation + ",exception: " + e.getMessage());    }}


1.6 ForkingClusterInvoker
1.6.1 使用场景
并行调用多个服务器,只要一个成功即返回。通常用于实时性要求较高的读操作,但需要浪费更多服务资源。可通过forks="2" 来设置最大并行数。

1.6.2 源码分析

public Result doInvoke(final Invocation invocation, List<Invoker<T>> invokers, LoadBalance                       loadbalance) throws RpcException {    try {        checkInvokers(invokers, invocation);        final List<Invoker<T>> selected;        final int forks = getUrl().getParameter(FORKS_KEY, DEFAULT_FORKS);        final int timeout = getUrl().getParameter(TIMEOUT_KEY, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT);        if (forks <= 0 || forks >= invokers.size()) {            selected = invokers;        } else {            selected = new ArrayList<>(forks);            while (selected.size() < forks) {                Invoker<T> invoker = select(loadbalance, invocation, invokers, selected);                if (!selected.contains(invoker)) {                    //Avoid add the same invoker several times.                    selected.add(invoker);                }            }        }        RpcContext.getServiceContext().setInvokers((List) selected);        final AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();        final BlockingQueue<Object> ref = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();        //selected中是根据forks的配置从服务列表里面根据负载均衡算法选择出来的invoker对象        for (final Invoker<T> invoker : selected) {            //异步调用每一个invoker对象            executor.execute(() -> {                try {                    Result result = invokeWithContext(invoker, invocation);                    //把调用的返回结果存入队列                    ref.offer(result);                } catch (Throwable e) {                    int value = count.incrementAndGet();                    if (value >= selected.size()) {                        ref.offer(e);                    }                }            });        }        try {            //等待获取返回结果,如果等待超时直接返回null,这里会拿到第一个先返回的结果直接返回            Object ret = ref.poll(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);            if (ret instanceof Throwable) {                Throwable e = (Throwable) ret;                throw new RpcException(e instanceof RpcException ? ((RpcException)                                                                    e).getCode() : 0, "Failed to forking invoke provider " + selected + ", but no luck to perform the invocation. Last error is: " + e.getMessage(), e.getCause() != null ?                                       e.getCause() : e);            }            return (Result) ret;        } catch (InterruptedException e) {            throw new RpcException("Failed to forking invoke provider " + selected + ", but no luck to perform the invocation. Last error is: " + e.getMessage(), e);        }    } finally {        // clear attachments which is binding to current thread.        RpcContext.getClientAttachment().clearAttachments();    }}


1.7 BroadcastClusterInvoker
1.7.1 使用场景

1.7.2 源码分析

public Result doInvoke(final Invocation invocation, List<Invoker<T>> invokers, LoadBalance                       loadbalance) throws RpcException {    checkInvokers(invokers, invocation);    RpcContext.getServiceContext().setInvokers((List) invokers);    RpcException exception = null;    Result result = null;    URL url = getUrl();    // The value range of broadcast.fail.threshold must be 0~100.    // 100 means that an exception will be thrown last, and 0 means that as long as an exception occurs, it will be thrown.    // see https://github.com/apache/dubbo/pull/7174    int broadcastFailPercent = url.getParameter(BROADCAST_FAIL_PERCENT_KEY,                                                MAX_BROADCAST_FAIL_PERCENT);    if (broadcastFailPercent < MIN_BROADCAST_FAIL_PERCENT || broadcastFailPercent >        MAX_BROADCAST_FAIL_PERCENT) {        logger.info(String.format("The value corresponding to the broadcast.fail.percent parameter must be between 0 and 100. " + "The current setting is %s, which is reset to 100.",broadcastFailPercent));        broadcastFailPercent = MAX_BROADCAST_FAIL_PERCENT;    }    int failThresholdIndex = invokers.size() * broadcastFailPercent /        MAX_BROADCAST_FAIL_PERCENT;    int failIndex = 0;    //从这for循环可以看出,就是循环所有的invokers对象,然后一一调用    for (Invoker<T> invoker : invokers) {        try {            result = invokeWithContext(invoker, invocation);            if (null != result && result.hasException()) {                Throwable resultException = result.getException();                if (null != resultException) {                    exception = getRpcException(result.getException());                    logger.warn(exception.getMessage(), exception);                    if (failIndex == failThresholdIndex) {                        break;                    } else {                        failIndex++;                    }                }            }        } catch (Throwable e) {            exception = getRpcException(e);            logger.warn(exception.getMessage(), exception);            if (failIndex == failThresholdIndex) {                break;            } else {                failIndex++;            }        }    }    if (exception != null) {        if (failIndex == failThresholdIndex) {            logger.debug(                String.format("The number of BroadcastCluster call failures has reached the threshold %s", failThresholdIndex));        } else {            logger.debug(String.format("The number of BroadcastCluster call failures has not reached the threshold %s, fail size is %s",failIndex));        }        throw exception;    }    return result;}


1.8 AvailableClusterInvoker
1.8.1 使用场景

1.8.2 源码分析

@Overridepublic Result doInvoke(Invocation invocation, List<Invoker<T>> invokers, LoadBalance                       loadbalance) throws RpcException {    //循环所有的负载列表,isAvailable()是远程调用服务是否存活,如果存活就掉用它,这里没有负载均衡的逻辑    for (Invoker<T> invoker : invokers) {        if (invoker.isAvailable()) {            return invokeWithContext(invoker, invocation);        }    }    throw new RpcException("No provider available in " + invokers);}


已于2022-8-18 17:23:34修改