图解 Kafka 源码之 NetworkClient 网络通信组件架构设计(下篇)

发布于 2023-7-7 17:10

02.2.7 leastLoadedNode()

 * Choose the node with the fewest outstanding requests which is at least eligible for connection. This method will
 * prefer a node with an existing connection, but will potentially choose a node for which we don't yet have a
 * connection if all existing connections are in use. If no connection exists, this method will prefer a node
 * with least recent connection attempts. This method will never choose a node for which there is no
 * existing connection and from which we have disconnected within the reconnect backoff period, or an active
 * connection which is being throttled.
 * @return The node with the fewest in-flight requests.
 public Node leastLoadedNode(long now){
        // 从元数据中获取所有的节点
        List<Node> nodes = this.metadataUpdater.fetchNodes();
        if (nodes.isEmpty())
            throw new IllegalStateException("There are no nodes in the Kafka cluster");
        int inflight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

        Node foundConnecting = null;
        Node foundCanConnect = null;
        Node foundReady = null;

        int offset = this.randOffset.nextInt(nodes.size());
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) {
            int idx = (offset + i) % nodes.size();
            Node node = nodes.get(idx);
            // 节点是否可以发送请求
            if (canSendRequest(node.idString(), now)) {
                // 获取节点的队列大小
                int currInflight = this.inFlightRequests.count(node.idString());
                // 如果为 0 则返回该节点,负载最小 
                if (currInflight == 0) {
                    // if we find an established connection with no in-flight requests we can stop right away
                    log.trace("Found least loaded node {} connected with no in-flight requests", node);
                    return node;
                } else if (currInflight < inflight) { // 如果队列大小小于最大值
                    // otherwise if this is the best we have found so far, record that
                    inflight = currInflight;
                    foundReady = node;
            } else if (connectionStates.isPreparingConnection(node.idString())) {
                foundConnecting = node;
            } else if (canConnect(node, now)) {
                if (foundCanConnect == null ||
                        this.connectionStates.lastConnectAttemptMs(foundCanConnect.idString()) >
                                this.connectionStates.lastConnectAttemptMs(node.idString())) {
                    foundCanConnect = node;
            } else {
                log.trace("Removing node {} from least loaded node selection since it is neither ready " +
                        "for sending or connecting", node);

        // We prefer established connections if possible. Otherwise, we will wait for connections
        // which are being established before connecting to new nodes.
        if (foundReady != null) {
            log.trace("Found least loaded node {} with {} inflight requests", foundReady, inflight);
            return foundReady;
        } else if (foundConnecting != null) {
            log.trace("Found least loaded connecting node {}", foundConnecting);
            return foundConnecting;
        } else if (foundCanConnect != null) {
            log.trace("Found least loaded node {} with no active connection", foundCanConnect);
            return foundCanConnect;
        } else {
            log.trace("Least loaded node selection failed to find an available node");
            return null;


图解 Kafka 源码之 NetworkClient 网络通信组件架构设计(下篇)-鸿蒙开发者社区

03 InflightRequests 集合设计

通过上面的代码分析,我们知道「InflightRequests」集合的作用就是缓存已经发送出去但还没有收到响应的  ClientRequest 请求集合。底层是通过 ReqMap<string, Deque<NetworkClient.InFlightRequest>> 实现,其中 key 是 NodeId,value 是发送到对应 Node 的 ClientRequest 请求队列,默认为5个,参数:max.in.flight.requests.per.connection 配置请求队列大小。它为每个连接生成一个双端队列,因此它能控制请求发送的速度


  1. 节点是否正常:收集从「开始发送」到「接收响应」这段时间的请求,来判断要发送的 Broker 节点是否正常,请求和连接是否超时等等,也就是说用来监控发送到哥哥节点请求是否正常
  2. 节点的负载情况:Deque 队列到一定长度后就认为某个 Broker 节点负载过高了。

 * The set of requests which have been sent or are being sent but haven't yet received a response
 * 用来缓存已经发送出去或者正在发送但均还没有收到响应的  ClientRequest 请求集合
final class InFlightRequests {
    // 每个连接最大执行中的请求数
    private final int maxInFlightRequestsPerConnection;
    // 节点 Node 至客户端请求双端队列 Deque<NetworkClient.InFlightRequest> 的映射集合,key为 NodeId, value 是请求队列
    private final Map<String, Deque<NetworkClient.InFlightRequest>> requests = new HashMap<>();
    /** Thread safe total number of in flight requests. */
    // 线程安全的 inFlightRequestCount 
    private final AtomicInteger inFlightRequestCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
    // 设置每个连接最大执行中的请求数
    public InFlightRequests(int maxInFlightRequestsPerConnection){
        this.maxInFlightRequestsPerConnection = maxInFlightRequestsPerConnection;


03.1 canSendMore()

先来看下发送条件限制, NetworkClient 调用这个方法用来判断是否还可以向指定 Node 发送请求。

 * Can we send more requests to this node?
 * @param node Node in question
 * @return true iff we have no requests still being sent to the given node
 * 判断该连接是否还能发送请求
public boolean canSendMore(String node){
        // 获取节点对应的双端队列
        Deque<NetworkClient.InFlightRequest> queue = requests.get(node);
        // 判断条件 队列为空 || (队首已经发送完成 && 队列中没有堆积更多的请求)
        return queue == null || queue.isEmpty() ||
               (queue.peekFirst().send.completed() && queue.size() < this.maxInFlightRequestsPerConnection);



  1. queue == null || queue.isEmpty(),队列为空就能发送。
  2. 判断 queue.peekFirst().send.completed() 队首是否发送完成。

          ● 如果队首的请求迟迟发送不出去,可能就是网络的原因,因此不能继续向此 Node 发送请求。

          ● 队首的请求与对应的 KafkaChannel.send 字段指向的是同一个请求,为了避免未发送的消息被覆盖掉,也不能让 KafkaChannel.send 字段指向新请求

  1. queue.size() < this.maxInFlightRequestsPerConnection,该条件就是为了判断队列中是否堆积过多请求,如果 Node 已经堆积了很多未响应的请求,说明这个节点出现了网络拥塞,继续再发送请求,则可能会超时。

03.2 add() 入队

 * Add the given request to the queue for the connection it was directed to
 * 将请求添加到队列首部
public void add(NetworkClient.InFlightRequest request){
        // 这个请求要发送到哪个 Broker 节点上
        String destination = request.destination;
        // 从 requests 集合中根据给定请求的目标 Node 节点获取对应 Deque<ClientRequest> 双端队列 reqs
        Deque<NetworkClient.InFlightRequest> reqs = this.requests.get(destination);
        // 如果双端队列reqs为null
        if (reqs == null) {
            // 构造一个双端队列 ArrayDeque 类型的 reqs
            reqs = new ArrayDeque<>();
            // 将请求目标 Node 节点至 reqs 的映射关系添加到 requests 集合
            this.requests.put(destination, reqs);
        // 将请求 request 添加到 reqs 队首
        // 增加计数

03.3 completeNext() 出队最老请求

 * Get the oldest request (the one that will be completed next) for the given node
 * 取出该连接对应的队列中最老的请求
 public NetworkClient.InFlightRequest completeNext(String node){
     // 根据给定 Node 节点获取客户端请求双端队列 reqs,并从队尾出队
     NetworkClient.InFlightRequest inFlightRequest = requestQueue(node).pollLast();
     // 递减计数器
     return inFlightRequest;

对比下入队和出队这2个方法,「入队 add()」时是通过 addFirst() 方法添加到队首的,所以队尾的请求是时间最久的,也是应该先处理的,所以「出队 completeNext()」是通过 pollLast(),将队列中时间最久的请求袁术移出进行处理。

03.4 lastSent() 获取最新请求

 * Get the last request we sent to the given node (but don't remove it from the queue)
 * @param node The node id
 public NetworkClient.InFlightRequest lastSent(String node){
     return requestQueue(node).peekFirst();

03.5 completeLastSent() 出队最新请求

  * Complete the last request that was sent to a particular node.
  * @param node The node the request was sent to
  * @return The request
  * 取出该连接对应的队列中最新的请求
 public NetworkClient.InFlightRequest completeLastSent(String node){
        // 根据给定 Node 节点获取客户端请求双端队列 reqs,并从队首出队
        NetworkClient.InFlightRequest inFlightRequest = requestQueue(node).pollFirst();
        // 递减计数器
        return inFlightRequest;


另外它支持生成响应 ClientResponse,当正常收到响应时,completed()会根据响应内容生成对应的 ClientResponse,当连接突然断开后,disconnected() 会生成 ClientResponse 对象,代码如下:

static class InFlightRequest {
     //  请求头
     final RequestHeader header;
     // 这个请求要发送到哪个 Broker 节点上
     final String destination;
     // 回调函数
     final RequestCompletionHandler callback;
     // 是否需要进行响应
     final boolean expectResponse;
     // 请求体
     final AbstractRequest request;
     // 发送前是否需要验证连接状态
     final boolean isInternalRequest; // used to flag requests which are initiated internally by NetworkClient
     // 请求的序列化数据
     final Send send;
     // 发送时间
     final long sendTimeMs;
     // 请求的创建时间,即 ClientRequest 的创建时间
     final long createdTimeMs;
     // 请求超时时间
     final long requestTimeoutMs;
     * 收到响应,回调的时候据响应内容生成 ClientResponse
    public ClientResponse completed(AbstractResponse response, long timeMs){
        return new ClientResponse(header, callback, destination, createdTimeMs, timeMs,
                    false, null, null, response);
     * 当连接突然断开,也会生成 ClientResponse。
    public ClientResponse disconnected(long timeMs, AuthenticationException authenticationException){
       return new ClientResponse(header, callback, destination, createdTimeMs, timeMs,
                    true, null, authenticationException, null);


04 完整请求流程串联


  1. 调用 NetworkClient 的 ready(),连接服务端。
  2. 调用 NetworkClient 的 poll(),处理连接。
  3. 调用 NetworkClient 的 newClientRequest(),创建请求 ClientRequest。
  4. 然后调用 NetworkClient 的 send(),发送请求。
  5. 最后调用 NetworkClient 的 poll(),处理响应。

图解 Kafka 源码之 NetworkClient 网络通信组件架构设计(下篇)-鸿蒙开发者社区

04.1 创建连接过程

NetworkClient 发送请求之前,都需要先和 Broker 端创建连接。NetworkClient 负责管理与集群的所有连接。

图解 Kafka 源码之 NetworkClient 网络通信组件架构设计(下篇)-鸿蒙开发者社区

04.2 生成请求过程

图解 Kafka 源码之 NetworkClient 网络通信组件架构设计(下篇)-鸿蒙开发者社区

04.3 发送请求过程

图解 Kafka 源码之 NetworkClient 网络通信组件架构设计(下篇)-鸿蒙开发者社区

04.4 处理响应过程

04.4.1 请求发送完成

图解 Kafka 源码之 NetworkClient 网络通信组件架构设计(下篇)-鸿蒙开发者社区

04.4.2 请求收到响应

图解 Kafka 源码之 NetworkClient 网络通信组件架构设计(下篇)-鸿蒙开发者社区

04.4.3 执行处理响应

图解 Kafka 源码之 NetworkClient 网络通信组件架构设计(下篇)-鸿蒙开发者社区

05 总结


1、开篇总述消息消息被 Sender 子线程先将消息暂存到 KafkaChannel 的 send 中,等调用「poll方法」执行真正的网络I/O 操作,从而引出了为客户端提供网络 I/O 能力的 「NetworkClient 组件」。

2、带你深度剖析了「NetworkClient 组件」 、「InflightRequests」、「ClusterConnectionState」的实现细节。



已于2023-7-7 17:10:31修改