before 7.0
after 7.0
hash-max-listpack-entries 512
hash-max-listpack-value 64
版本 | 2.8.24 | 3.0.7 | 3.2.13 | 4.0.14 | 5.0.14 | 6.0.20 | 6.2.15 | 7.0.12 |
容量MB | 603.15 | 603.15 | 549.75 | 488.77 | 488.77 | 488.77 | 488.77 | 450.71 |
2. 写入1万条hash键值对:key为37字节(hash-32字节uuid)、514对field(f0..f513)-value(5字节)
版本 | 2.8.24 | 3.0.7 | 3.2.13 | 4.0.14 | 5.0.14 | 6.0.15 | 6.2.15 | 7.0.12 |
容量MB | 589.94 | 589.94 | 511.29 | 315.27 | 315.27 | 315.27 | 315.27 | 275.90 |
3. 写入1万条hash键值对:key为37字节(hash-32字节uuid)、514对field(f0..f513)-value(100字节)
版本 | 2.8.24 | 3.0.7 | 3.2.13 | 4.0.14 | 5.0.14 | 6.0.15 | 6.2.15 | 7.0.12 |
容量MB | 1060.52 | 1060.52 | 981.87 | 825.07 | 825.07 | 825.07 | 825.07 | 824.76 |
- 2.8到3.0:hashtable容量无变化
- 3.0到3.2:优化来源于sdshdr拆分,详见Redis成本优化-版本升级-1.SDS优化历史
- 3.2到4.0:优化来源于复杂数据架构中的元素去掉robj,详见Redis成本优化-版本升级-2.复杂数据结构robj优化
- 4.0->5.0->6.0->6.2:无容量变化
- 7.0:在实验1和实验场景2下容量有一定程度缩减(8%、14%)
dict是Redis的基础数据结构,Redis的全部键值、过期键值、hash|set|zset数据结构均用到了dict,Redis 7做了重要优化:
来源:Significant memory savings in case of many hash or zset keys (#9228)
1 优化前的dict结构
typedef struct dictht {
dictEntry **table;
unsigned long size;
unsigned long sizemask;
unsigned long used;
} dictht;
typedef struct dict {
dictType *type;
void *privdata;
dictht ht[2];
long rehashidx;
int16_t pauserehash;
} dict;
2 Redis 7.0的相关优化
- 去掉privdata
- 去掉dictht,相关元数据放到了dict中。
struct dict {
dictType *type;
dictEntry **ht_table[2];
unsigned long ht_used[2];
long rehashidx;
int16_t pauserehash;
signed char ht_size_exp[2];
- dictht ht[2]用dictEntry **ht_table[2]代替
- 原来两个dictht的used用unsigned long ht_used[2]代替
- 原来两个dictht的size用signed char ht_size_exp[2]代替,且由8个字节变为1个字节,计算方法如下:
#define DICTHT_SIZE(exp) ((exp) == -1 ? 0 : (unsigned long)1<<(exp))
#define DICTHT_SIZE_MASK(exp) ((exp) == -1 ? 0 : (DICTHT_SIZE(exp))-1)
3. github上的相关效果:
通过数据结构的优化(96->56字节),必然会在hash|set|zset key较多且为小value时,效果更为明显。由于要对单一功能进行测试,所以这里直接使用PR中的测试结果(,
(1) 内存优化:提升较为明显
original dict | original dict | optimized dict |
1000000 65 byte one field hashes | 290.38M | 252.23M |
1000 hashes with 1000 20 byte fields | 62.22M | 62.1M |
1000000 sets with 1 1 byte entry | 214.84M | 176.69M |
dict struct size (theoretical improvement) | 96b | 56b |
(2) 性能变化:除了get random keys外,其他整体有提升。
dict benchmark 10000000 | Inserting | Linear access of existing | 2nd round | Random access of existing | Accessing random keys | Accessing missing | Removing and adding |
original | 5371 | 2531 | 2507 | 4135 | 1447 | 2893 | 4882 |
optimized | 5253 | 2488 | 2481 | 4076 | 1600 | 2841 | 4801 |
improvement | 2.20% | 1.70% | 1.04% | 1.43% | -10.57% | 1.80% | 1.66% |
三、Redis 7.0 hash其他优化?
1. 问题分析
- 实验1:1000000(key) * (96-56) = 38.14MB (基本符合预期)
- 实验2、3:10000(key) * (96-56) = 0.38MB ,完全不符合预期!
翻遍了Redis 7 release notes好像没发现其他hash优化,并且对测试程序多次测试,数值上没什么异常!
2. 问题定位
我们对实验2中的hash key进行debug可以发现
(1) 针对每个hash key, Redis 6.2.5会比Redis 7.0.12的table size大512个,也就是512*8字节(指针) = 4KB,针对上述实验二正好吻合。
10000个hash * 4KB 约等于 40MB
- Redis 6.2.15正在进行rehash,table size = 512 + 1024
Redis:6.2.15> debug HTSTATS-KEY hash-c25f6e05-8cd7-4c00-9776-d1d53e3e3b00
Hash table 0 stats (main hash table):
table size: 512
number of elements: 509
different slots: 325
max chain length: 6
avg chain length (counted): 1.57
avg chain length (computed): 1.57
Chain length distribution:
0: 187 (36.52%)
1: 200 (39.06%)
2: 83 (16.21%)
3: 30 (5.86%)
4: 8 (1.56%)
5: 3 (0.59%)
6: 1 (0.20%)
Hash table 1 stats (rehashing target):
table size: 1024
number of elements: 5
different slots: 4
max chain length: 2
avg chain length (counted): 1.25
avg chain length (computed): 1.25
Chain length distribution:
0: 1020 (99.61%)
1: 3 (0.29%)
2: 1 (0.10%)
- Redis 7.0.12只用了一个dictht, table size=1024
Hash table 0 stats (main hash table):
table size: 1024
number of elements: 514
different slots: 395
max chain length: 4
avg chain length (counted): 1.30
avg chain length (computed): 1.30
Chain length distribution:
0: 629 (61.43%)
1: 296 (28.91%)
2: 81 (7.91%)
3: 16 (1.56%)
4: 2 (0.20%)
(2) 相关优化:
每次对hash类型(当前是ziplist实现)进行添加元素时,会进行元素个数的检测,当ziplist的长度 > hash-max-ziplist-entries时,会将其转成一个hashtable
t_hash(before 7.0):具体方法是创建一个空的dict然后逐个遍历ziplist执行dictAdd,在这个过程中会触发到rehash(512这个元素这个点,有关rehash可以参考Redis开发规范解析(三)--一个Redis最好存多少key),所以hash的内部实现有两个dictht。
void hashTypeConvertZiplist(robj *o, int enc) {
serverAssert(o->encoding == OBJ_ENCODING_ZIPLIST);
if (enc == OBJ_ENCODING_HT) {
hashTypeIterator *hi;
dict *dict;
int ret;
hi = hashTypeInitIterator(o);
dict = dictCreate(&hashDictType, NULL);
while (hashTypeNext(hi) != C_ERR) {
sds key, value;
key = hashTypeCurrentObjectNewSds(hi,OBJ_HASH_KEY);
value = hashTypeCurrentObjectNewSds(hi,OBJ_HASH_VALUE);
ret = dictAdd(dict, key, value);
if (ret != DICT_OK) {
o->encoding = OBJ_ENCODING_HT;
o->ptr = dict;
t_hash(after 7.0):提前进行扩容,所以只有一个dictht
3. 问题验证
(1) 如果514对换成1023对呢?可以看到7.0相比6.2并无优化
3. 写入1万条hash键值对:key为37字节、1023对field(f0..f1022)-value(5字节)
2.8.24 | 3.0.7 | 3.2.13 | 4.0.14 | 5.0.14 | 6.0.15 | 6.2.15 | 7.0.12 | |
容量MB | 1016.85 | 1016.85 | 862.32 | 470.38 | 470.38 | 470.38 | 470.38 | 470.04 |
Redis:6.2.15> debug htstats-key hash-aa51a2cd-21d9-4ce1-9440-77b4ef5863c6
Hash table 0 stats (main hash table):
table size: 1024
number of elements: 1023
different slots: 654
max chain length: 5
avg chain length (counted): 1.56
avg chain length (computed): 1.56
Chain length distribution:
0: 370 (36.13%)
1: 397 (38.77%)
2: 166 (16.21%)
3: 73 (7.13%)
4: 15 (1.46%)
5: 3 (0.29%)
Redis:7.0.12> debug htstats-key hash-ed298442-e907-4736-bf0b-57fb0578b12e
Hash table 0 stats (main hash table):
table size: 1024
number of elements: 1023
different slots: 639
max chain length: 5
avg chain length (counted): 1.60
avg chain length (computed): 1.60
Chain length distribution:
0: 385 (37.60%)
1: 364 (35.55%)
2: 191 (18.65%)
3: 60 (5.86%)
4: 23 (2.25%)
5: 1 (0.10%)
(2) 实验2中,如果我们重启6.0.15、6.2.15版本呢?会发现内存消耗也会减少大约40MB
Redis 7针对hashtable结构的成本优化有两个
- 精简了dict结构,使得每个dict可以减少40字节,在有大量小hash、小zset的场景下有较大优化
- 优化了ziplist转hashtable时候可能产生的rehash,这个优化就一行代码,比较隐蔽,在特殊场景下也能取得不错的优化。