HarmonyOS occur exception need return错误
napi_create_typedarray(env, napi_int8_array, len, output_buffer, 0, &output_array);
napi_create_typedarray(env, napi_int16_array, len, output_buffer, 0, &output_array);
07-04 09:43:23.613 12990-12990 C03F00/ArkCompiler com.examp...lication E [default] [Call:2994] occur exception need return
07-04 09:43:23.613 12990-12990 C03F00/ArkCompiler com.examp...lication E RangeError: The newByteLength is out of range.
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#鸿蒙通关秘籍#处理occur exception need return日志提示的方案有哪些?
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. > An error occur in configuration.
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