#夏日挑战赛#OpenHarmony——hilog命令行使用手册 原创 精华

发布于 2022-6-14 18:35





-t 用于指定输出日志的类型/模块,目前系统共包含app/core/kmsg/init四种日志类型。

hilog -t app|core|kmsg|init 阻塞式实时查询模块日志,-t可以与其他参数一起使用。

hilog -t app|core|kmsg|init -x 非阻塞式实时查询模块日志,-x选项也可以和hilog的其他选项同时使用。


# hilog -t kmsg
01-01 00:00:03.909     0     0 I fffff/kmsg: Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
01-01 00:00:03.909     0     0 W fffff/kmsg: Linux version 5.10.79 (osm@ubuntu) (OHOS () clang version  (llvm-project b2cadc87d64786377748bdb6bc5e6949492f01ab), GNU ld (Linaro_Binutils-2019.12) #1 SMP Wed Apr 6 09:37:37 CST 2022
01-01 00:00:03.909     0     0 I fffff/[410fc075]: CPU: ARMv7 Processor  revision 5 (ARMv7), cr=10c5387d
01-01 00:00:03.909     0     0 I fffff/kmsg: CPU: div instructions available: patching division code
01-01 00:00:03.909     0     0 I fffff/kmsg: CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
01-01 00:00:03.909     0     0 I fffff/kmsg: OF: fdt: Machine model: Hisilicon HI3516DV300 DEMO Board
01-01 00:00:03.909     0     0 I fffff/kmsg: Memory policy: Data cache writealloc
01-01 00:00:03.909     0     0 D fffff/kmsg: cma: dma_contiguous_reserve(limit ffffffff)
01-01 00:00:03.909     0     0 D fffff/kmsg: cma: dma_contiguous_reserve: reserving 64 MiB for global area
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hilog -t app|core|kmsg|init -T <tag> 模块内指定tag, -T可以与其他参数一起使用。

hilog -T <tag> 只指定tag


# hilog -t core -T BatteryThread

01-02 02:10:03.771   725   820 I 02500/BatteryThread: UpdateBatteryInfo: BatteryInfo capacity=11, voltage=4123456, temperature=222, healthState=1, pluggedType=2, pluggedMaxCurrent=-1, pluggedMaxVoltage=-1, chargeState=3, chargeCounter=4000000, present=0, technology=Li-ion
01-02 02:10:03.771   725   820 I 02500/BatteryThread: UpdateBatteryInfo g_callback is nullptr
01-02 02:10:03.771   725   820 I 02500/BatteryThread: LoopingThreadEntry: timeout=-1, nevents=1
01-02 02:10:13.772   725   820 I 02500/BatteryThread: UpdateBatteryInfo: BatteryInfo capacity=11, voltage=4123456, temperature=222, healthState=1, pluggedType=2, pluggedMaxCurrent=-1, pluggedMaxVoltage=-1, chargeState=3, chargeCounter=4000000, present=0, technology=Li-ion
01-02 02:10:13.772   725   820 I 02500/BatteryThread: UpdateBatteryInfo g_callback is nullptr
01-02 02:10:13.772   725   820 I 02500/BatteryThread: LoopingThreadEntry: timeout=-1, nevents=1
01-02 02:10:23.772   725   820 I 02500/BatteryThread: UpdateBatteryInfo: BatteryInfo capacity=11, voltage=4123456, 
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# hilog -T BatteryThread

01-02 02:14:03.771   725   820 I 02500/BatteryThread: UpdateBatteryInfo: BatteryInfo capacity=11, voltage=4123456, temperature=222, healthState=1, pluggedType=2, pluggedMaxCurrent=-1, pluggedMaxVoltage=-1, chargeState=3, chargeCounter=4000000, present=0, technology=Li-ion
01-02 02:14:03.771   725   820 I 02500/BatteryThread: UpdateBatteryInfo g_callback is nullptr
01-02 02:14:03.771   725   820 I 02500/BatteryThread: LoopingThreadEntry: timeout=-1, nevents=1
01-02 02:14:13.772   725   820 I 02500/BatteryThread: UpdateBatteryInfo: BatteryInfo capacity=11, voltage=4123456, temperature=222, healthState=1, pluggedType=2, pluggedMaxCurrent=-1, pluggedMaxVoltage=-1, chargeState=3, chargeCounter=4000000, present=0, technology=Li-ion
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-L 指定日志级别,HiLog中定义了DEBUG、INFO、WARN、ERROR、FATAL五种日志级别。

hilog -t app|core|kmsg|init -L D|I|W|E|F 模块内指定level查询,D:debug, I:info, W:warning, E:error, F:fatal。

hilog -L D|I|W|E|F 只指定level查询,可以与其他参数一起使用


# hilog -t app -L I

01-01 08:15:00.030   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: TimeManager --> notifyTimeChange
01-01 08:15:00.031   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: EventManager --> publish localEvent type: Time_Change_Event
01-01 08:16:00.031   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: CommonEvent_TimeManager --> handle common event: usual.event.TIME_TICK
01-01 08:16:00.031   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: TimeManager --> notifyTimeChange
01-01 08:16:00.032   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: EventManager --> publish localEvent type: Time_Change_Event
01-01 08:17:00.030   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: CommonEvent_TimeManager --> handle common event: usual.event.TIME_TICK
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# hilog -L I

01-01 08:15:00.030   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: TimeManager --> notifyTimeChange
01-01 08:15:00.031   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: EventManager --> publish localEvent type: Time_Change_Event
01-01 08:16:00.031   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: CommonEvent_TimeManager --> handle common event: usual.event.TIME_TICK
01-01 08:16:00.031   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: TimeManager --> notifyTimeChange
01-01 08:16:00.032   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: EventManager --> publish localEvent type: Time_Change_Event
01-01 08:17:00.030   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: CommonEvent_TimeManager --> handle common event: usual.event.TIME_TICK
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-D选项为指定domain。服务域:日志的服务域,用于指定输出日志所对应的业务领域。这是一个十六进制整数,范围从 0x0 到 0xFFFFF。建议使用0xAAABB格式,其中AAA表示子系统,BB表示模块。

hilog -t app|core|kmsg|init -D <domian> 模块内指定domian查询。

hilog -D <domain> 只指定domian查询,可以与其他参数一起使用。

# hilog -D 0x0 -t core                                                          

01-01 04:36:03.140    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                       
01-01 04:36:05.299    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:36:07.459    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:36:09.619    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:36:11.780    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:36:13.939    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:36:16.099    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:36:18.259    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:36:20.419    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                              
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  # hilog -D 0x0                                                                  

01-01 04:37:01.459    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:37:03.619    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:37:05.779    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:37:07.939    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:37:10.100    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:37:12.260    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:37:14.419    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                                          
01-01 04:37:16.579    91   145 I 00000/AppSpawnServer: AppSpawnServer::ConnectionPeer connectFd is -11                                
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hilog [-t ^app|kmsg|init|core] [-T ^<tag>] [-L ^D|I|W|E|F] [-D ^<domain>]


# hilog -t ^app,kmsg,init -T ^BatteryThread

01-02 02:07:00.071   332   332 E 01400/OHOS::ROSEN: RsDebug RSHardwareProcessor::ProcessSurface surfaceNode id:3758096384048 name:[SystemUi_NavigationBar] dst [0 912 480 48]SrcRect [480 48] rawbuffer [480 48] surfaceBuffer [480 48] buffaddr:0x1249230, z:2.000000, globalZOrder:2, blendType = 3
01-02 02:07:00.071   332   332 D 01400/OHOS::ROSEN: RsDebug RSHardwareProcessor::CropLayers this layer no need to crop
01-02 02:07:00.071   332   332 D 01400/OHOS::ROSEN: RsDebug RSHardwareProcessor::CropLayers this layer no need to crop
01-02 02:07:00.071   332   332 D 01400/OHOS::ROSEN: RsDebug RSHardwareProcessor::CropLayers this layer no need to crop
01-02 02:07:00.071   332   332 D 01400/Composer: Repaint: Repaint: start
01-02 02:07:00.071   332   332 D 01400/DISP: [SetLayerAlpha@hdi_session.cpp:273]
01-02 02:07:00.071   332   332 D 01400/DISP: [CallLayerFunction@hdi_session.h:48] device Id : 0
01-02 02:07:00.071   332   332 D 01400/DISP: [GetHdiLayer@hdi_display.cpp:221] id : 3
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hilog -g -t app|core|kmsg|init 查询日志类型为app/core/kmsg/init的buffer大小:


# hilog -g -t core

core buffer size is 256K

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hilog -G <size> -t app|core|kmsg|init 设置指定<type>日志类型缓冲区的大小,配合-t指定某一类型使用,默认app和core, 可使用B/K/M/G为单位


# hilog -t app -g

app buffer size is 256K

# hilog -t app -G 2M

app buffer size is 2M

# hilog -t app -g

app buffer size is 2M

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hilog -t app|core|kmsg|init -r -r选项清除buffer日志,配合-t指定某一类型使用,默认app和core

# hilog -t app -r

app log clear success

# hilog -t app

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hilog -t app|core|kmsg|init -s -s查询统计信息,需配合-t或-D使用


# hilog -t app -s

app print log length is 1M
app cache log length is 461K
app dropped log lines is 0B
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hilog -t app|core|kmsg|init -S -S清除统计信息,需配合-t或-D使用

# hilog -t app -s

app print log length is 1M
app cache log length is 461K
app dropped log lines is 0B

# hilog -t app -S

app statistic info clear success

# hilog -t app -s

app print log length is 0B
app cache log length is 0B
app dropped log lines is 0B
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3.1 使用方法

hilog -w start [-f "xxx"] [-l <length>] [-j <jobid>] [-m <algorithm>] [-n <number>] 启动落盘任务

hilog -w query [-j <jobid>] 查询落盘任务

hilog -w stop [-j <jobid>] 停止落盘任务


# hilog -w query
#hilog -w start -f "hilog" -l 66k -j 222 -m zlib -n 2                          
Persist task [jobid:222] started successfully
#cd /data/log/hilog
# ls -al

total 100
drwxr-x--- 2 logd   log     4096 1970-01-02 03:34 .
drwxrwx--- 6 system log     4096 1970-01-01 00:38 ..
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system 65540 1970-01-02 03:34 .persisterInfo_222
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system   132 1970-01-02 03:34 .persisterInfo_222.info
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system 12239 1970-01-02 03:34 hilog.002.19700102-033431.gz
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system  6883 1970-01-02 03:34 hilog.003.19700102-033431.gz

# hilog -w query -j 222 #指定jobid查询

222 core,app zlib /data/log/hilog/hilog 67584 2

# hilog -w query    #查询全部落盘任务

222 core,app zlib /data/log/hilog/hilog 67584 2

# hilog -w stop -j 222

Persist task [jobid:222] stopped successfully

# ls -al

total 36
drwxr-x--- 2 logd   log     4096 1970-01-02 03:35 .
drwxrwx--- 6 system log     4096 1970-01-01 00:38 ..
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system 12239 1970-01-02 03:34 hilog.002.19700102-033431.gz
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system 13000 1970-01-02 03:35 hilog.003.19700102-033431.gz

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3.2 案例展示





# hilog -w start -f "hilog" -l 66k -j 111 -m zlib -n 2 -t kmsg

Persist task [jobid:111] started successfully
#cd /data/log/hilog
# ls -al 

total 116
drwxr-x--- 2 logd   log     4096 1970-01-02 19:31 .
drwxrwx--- 6 system log     4096 1970-01-01 00:38 ..
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system 65540 1970-01-02 19:31 .persisterInfo_111
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system   132 1970-01-02 19:31 .persisterInfo_111.info
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system 19245 1970-01-02 19:31 hilog.000.19700102-193128.gz
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system 16069 1970-01-02 19:31 hilog.001.19700102-193128.gz
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# reboot

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D:\share>hdc_std.exe shell
# cd /data/log/hilog/
# ls -al

total 108
drwxr-x--- 2 logd   log     4096 1970-01-02 19:32 .
drwxrwx--- 6 system log     4096 1970-01-01 00:38 ..
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system 65540 1970-01-02 19:32 .persisterInfo_111
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system   132 1970-01-02 19:32 .persisterInfo_111.info
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system 16192 1970-01-02 19:31 hilog.003.19700102-193147.gz #注意:log文件的命名是随时间实时更新的
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system  8500 1970-01-02 19:32 hilog.004.19700102-193213.gz
# hilog -w stop

Persist task [jobid:111] stopped successfully

# ls -al

total 36
drwxr-x--- 2 logd   log     4096 1970-01-02 19:34 .
drwxrwx--- 6 system log     4096 1970-01-01 00:38 ..
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system 16192 1970-01-02 19:31 hilog.003.19700102-193147.gz
-rw-r----- 1 logd   system  8500 1970-01-02 19:32 hilog.004.19700102-193213.gz
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# exit

D:\share>hdc_std.exe file recv /data/log/hilog/hilog.003.19700102-193147.gz D:\share
FileTransfer finish, Size:16192 time:55ms rate:294.40kB/s

D:\share>hdc_std.exe file recv /data/log/hilog/hilog.004.19700102-193213.gz D:\share
FileTransfer finish, Size:8500 time:25ms rate:340.00kB/s

2022/05/09  14:04         3,424,768 hdc_std.exe
2022/05/20  10:24            16,192 hilog.003.19700102-193147.gz
2022/05/20  10:25             8,500 hilog.004.19700102-193213.gz
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-a <n> 只显示前<n>行日志

-z <n> 只显示后<n>行日志


# hilog -t app -a 5

01-02 03:12:00.030   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: CommonEvent_TimeManager --> handle common event: usual.event.TIME_TICK
01-02 03:12:00.030   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: TimeManager --> notifyTimeChange
01-02 03:12:00.030   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: EventManager --> publish localEvent type: Time_Change_Event
01-02 03:13:00.031   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: CommonEvent_TimeManager --> handle common event: usual.event.TIME_TICK
01-02 03:13:00.031   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: TimeManager --> notifyTimeChange
# hilog -t app -z 5

01-02 04:02:00.032   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: EventManager --> publish localEvent type: Time_Change_Event
01-02 04:02:00.032   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: TimeManager --> notifyTimeChange
01-02 04:02:00.031   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: CommonEvent_TimeManager --> handle common event: usual.event.TIME_TICK
01-02 04:01:00.030   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: EventManager --> publish localEvent type: Time_Change_Event
01-02 04:01:00.030   875   875 I 02200/JsApp: SystemUI_Default tag: TimeManager --> notifyTimeChange
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这里只演示了常用的命令选项,如果需要其他选项请自行查阅附件表格,或通过hilog -h查询。


短选项 长选项 参数 说明
-h –help 帮助命令
缺省 缺省 阻塞读日志,不退出
-x –exit 非阻塞读日志,读完退出
-g 查询buffer的大小,配合-t指定某一类型使用,默认app和core
-G –buffer-size <size> 设置指定<type>日志类型缓冲区的大小,配合-t指定某一类型使用,默认app和core, 可使用B/K/M/G为单位
-r 清除buffer日志,配合-t指定某一类型使用,默认app和core
-p –privacy <on/off> 支持系统调试时日志隐私开关控制
on 打开隐私开关,显示<private>
off 关闭隐私开关,显示明文
-k <on/off> Kernel日志读取开关控制
on 打开读取kernel日志
off 关闭读取kernel日志
-s –statistics 查询统计信息,需配合-t或-D使用
-S 清除统计信息,需配合-t或-D使用
-Q <control-type> 流控缺省配额开关控制
pidon 进程流控开关打开
pidoff 进程流控开关关闭
domainon domain流控开关打开
domainoff domain流控开关关闭
-L –level <level> 指定级别的日志,示例:-L D/I/W/E/F
-t –type <type> 指定类型的日志,示例:-t app core init
-D –domain <domain> 指定domain
-T –Tag <tag> 指定tag
-a –head <n> 只显示前<n>行日志
-z –tail <n> 只显示后<n>行日志
-P –pid <pid> 标识不同的pid
-e –regex <expr> 只打印日志消息与<expr>匹配的行,其中<expr>是一个正则表达式
-f –filename <filename> 设置落盘的文件名
-l –length <length> 设置落盘的文件大小,需要大于等于64K
-n –number <number> 设置落盘文件的个数
-j –jobid <jobid> 设置落盘任务的ID
-w –write <control> 落盘任务控制
query 落盘任务查询
start 落盘任务开始,命令行参数为文件名、单文件大小、落盘算法、rotate文件数目.
stop 落盘任务停止
-m –stream <algorithm> 落盘方式控制
none 无压缩方式落盘
zlib zlib压缩算法落盘,落盘文件为.gz
zstd zstd压缩算法落盘,落盘文件为.zst
-v –format <format>
time 显示本地时间
color 显示不同级别显示不同颜色,参数缺省级别颜色模式处理(按黑白方式)
epoch 显示相对1970时间
monotonic 显示相对启动时间
usec 显示微秒精度时间
nsec 显示纳秒精度时间
year 显示将年份添加到显示的时间
zone 显示将本地时区添加到显示的时间
-b –baselevel <loglevel> 设置可打印日志的最低等级:D(DEBUG)/I(INFO)/W(WARN)/E(ERROR)/F(FATAL)



已于2022-6-17 18:41:15修改
收藏 10


2022-6-14 18:48:42


2022-6-20 14:40:33
