一UI design for Smart Watch in OpenHarmony.
The SmartWatch_7 UI library is developed for developing Smart Watch consoles.UI was designed using hml(HarmonyOS markup language ) and CSS(cascading style sheets). The functionalities were added using Javascript . The library is capable fetching details like date, time , weather from API’s available for the same. Other details like calories, footsteps is been fetched from the data layer.
Smart Watch 7 Design :
The smart watch seven has the following functionalities
1.Displays current weather , date , month.
2.Displays calendar notification.
3.Displays number of foot steps covered by user.
4.Displays calories burnt by user.
Directory Structure:
The library could be used by anyone who is planning to develop a UI for a Smart Watch console. The design could be directly cloned. The details like notifications and user location for weather could be altered by manipulating the data layer. Which would directly reflect in the library.
Supports OpenHarmony API version 8
Open source License
This project is based on Apache License 2.0 ,please enjoy and participate in open source freely.