1、创建Custom Class对象、命名为uo_dwresize
uo_dwresize dwresize
dwresize = create uo_dwresize
global type uo_dwresize from nonvisualobject
end type
type str_dwsize from structure within uo_dwresize
end type
end forward
global type str_dwsize from structure
string ls_classname
long ll_width
long ll_height
datawindow ldw_datawindow
end type
global type uo_dwresize from nonvisualobject
end type
global uo_dwresize uo_dwresize
type variables
any iany_arr[]
end variables
forward prototypes
public function any of_split (string as_bj, string as_input)
public subroutine of_add_dwsize (datawindow adw_dw)
public subroutine of_draw_dwsize ()
end prototypes
public function any of_split (string as_bj, string as_input);//================================================
string ls_list[] //接收返回的字符串列表
string ls_temp
integer i = 1
long ll_pos
integer li_len
li_len = len(as_bj) //分割符的长度
ll_pos = pos(as_input,as_bj)
if ll_pos = 0 then
ls_list[i] = as_input
ls_list[i] = left(as_input,ll_pos - 1)
as_input = mid(as_input,ll_pos + li_len)
ll_pos = pos(as_input,as_bj)
if ll_pos = 0 then ls_list[i] = as_input
end if
loop while ll_pos <> 0
return ls_list
end function
public subroutine of_add_dwsize (datawindow adw_dw);long ll_for,ll_find = 0
str_dwsize str_size
for ll_for = 1 to upperbound(iany_arr)
str_size = iany_arr[1]
if str_size.ls_classname = adw_dw.classname() then exit
str_size.ls_classname = adw_dw.classname()
str_size.ll_width = adw_dw.width
str_size.ll_height = adw_dw.height
str_size.ldw_datawindow = adw_dw
if ll_find = 0 then iany_arr[upperbound(iany_arr) + 1] = str_size
end subroutine
public subroutine of_draw_dwsize ();long ll_widthOld = 0,ll_heightOld = 0
string ls_input='',ls_list[],ls_type = '',ls_band=''
dec ldc_RadioW = 0,ldc_RadioH = 0
int ll_DWX,ll_DWY,ll_DWX2,ll_DWY2,ll_ApartW,ll_Processing
int ll_i,ll_ContentW,ll_ContentH,ll_DWHeaderH,ll_DWDetailH
long ll_textsize,ll_KJheight,ll_row
str_dwsize str_size
datawindow ldw_dw
for ll_row = 1 to upperbound(iany_arr)
str_size = iany_arr[ll_row]
ldw_dw = str_size.ldw_datawindow
ll_widthOld = str_size.ll_width
ll_heightOld = str_size.ll_height
str_size.ll_width = ldw_dw.width
str_size.ll_height = ldw_dw.height
iany_arr[ll_row] = str_size
ldc_RadioW = ldw_dw.width / ll_widthOld
ldc_RadioH = ldw_dw.height / ll_heightOld
ls_input = ldw_dw.Describe("DataWindow.Objects")
ls_list = of_split(' ',ls_input)
ll_DWHeaderH = long(ldw_dw.describe("datawindow.header.height"))
ll_DWDetailH = long(ldw_dw.describe("datawindow.detail.height"))
ll_DWHeaderH = ll_DWHeaderH * ldc_RadioH
ll_DWDetailH = ll_DWDetailH * ldc_RadioH
ldw_dw.Modify("datawindow.header.height = '"+string(ll_DWHeaderH)+"'")
ldw_dw.Modify("datawindow.detail.height = '"+string(ll_DWDetailH)+"'")
for ll_i = 1 to upperbound(ls_list)
ls_band = ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".band")
ls_type = ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".type")
if ls_band <> '!' then
if ls_type = 'text' or ls_type = 'column' or ls_type = 'compute' then
if long(ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".visible")) = 0 then continue;
ll_ContentW = long(ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".width"))
ll_ContentH = long(ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".height"))
ll_DWX = long(ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".x"))
ll_DWY = long(ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".y"))
ll_Processing = long(ldw_dw.Object.DataWindow.Processing)
//Grid 只改变宽度;不改变X,Y
if ll_Processing = 1 then
ldw_dw.Modify(ls_list[ll_i]+".x = '"+string(ll_DWX * ldc_RadioW)+"'")
ldw_dw.Modify(ls_list[ll_i]+".y = '"+string(ll_DWY * ldc_RadioH)+"'")
end if
ldw_dw.Modify(ls_list[ll_i]+".width = '"+string(ll_ContentW * ldc_RadioW)+"'")
ldw_dw.Modify(ls_list[ll_i]+".height = '"+string(ll_ContentH * ldc_RadioH)+"'")
elseif ls_type = 'line' then
ll_DWX = long(ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".x1"))
ll_DWY = long(ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".y1"))
ll_DWX2 = long(ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".x2"))
ll_DWY2 = long(ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".y2"))
ldw_dw.Modify(ls_list[ll_i]+".x1 = '"+string(ll_DWX * ldc_RadioW)+"'")
ldw_dw.Modify(ls_list[ll_i]+".y1 = '"+string(ll_DWY * ldc_RadioH)+"'")
ldw_dw.Modify(ls_list[ll_i]+".x2 = '"+string(ll_DWX2 * ldc_RadioW)+"'")
ldw_dw.Modify(ls_list[ll_i]+".y2 = '"+string(ll_DWY2 * ldc_RadioH)+"'")
elseif ls_type = 'rectangle' or ls_type = 'button' or ls_type = 'roundrectangle' or ls_type = 'ellipse' or ls_type = 'report' or ls_type = 'bitmap' or ls_type = 'graph' then
ll_ContentW = long(ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".width"))
ll_ContentH = long(ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".height"))
ll_DWX = long(ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".x"))
ll_DWY = long(ldw_dw.describe(ls_list[ll_i] + ".y"))
ldw_dw.Modify(ls_list[ll_i]+".x = '"+string(ll_DWX * ldc_RadioW)+"'")
ldw_dw.Modify(ls_list[ll_i]+".y = '"+string(ll_DWY * ldc_RadioH)+"'")
ldw_dw.Modify(ls_list[ll_i]+".width = '"+string(ll_ContentW * ldc_RadioW)+"'")
ldw_dw.Modify(ls_list[ll_i]+".height = '"+string(ll_ContentH * ldc_RadioH)+"'")
end if
end if
end subroutine
on uo_dwresize.create
call super::create
TriggerEvent( this, "constructor" )
end on
on uo_dwresize.destroy
TriggerEvent( this, "destructor" )
call super::destroy
end on