元服务《Days Matter》构建实例 原创
1.元服务《Days Matter》功能介绍
Days Matter是一款展示某些重大日期下的事件的软件。主要功能包括:
"devDependencies": {
"@ohos/hypium": "1.0.19",
"@ohos/hamock": "1.0.0",
"@ohos/axios": "^2.1.1"
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import axios, { AxiosError, AxiosHeaders, AxiosResponse } from '@ohos/axios';
* 封装网络请求框架
export class HttpUtil {
static get<T, D>(url: string, parms?: T, resp?: (res: D) => void, error?: (err: Error) => void,) {
httpRequest(url, "get", parms, resp, error)
static post<T, D>(url: string, parms?: T, resp?: (res: D) => void, error?: (err: Error) => void,) {
httpRequest(url, "post", parms, resp, error)
function httpRequest<T, D>(url: string, method: string, params?: T, resp?: (res: D) => void,
error?: (err: Error) => void) {
if ("get" === method) {
axios.get<T, AxiosResponse<D>, null>(url, {
params: params,
headers: getHeader()
.then((res: AxiosResponse<D>) => {
.catch((error: AxiosError) => {
} else if ("post" === method) {
axios.post<T, AxiosResponse<D>>(url, params, {
headers: getHeader()
}).then((res: AxiosResponse<D>) => {
console.log("===============res:" + JSON.stringify(res.data))
}).catch((err: AxiosError) => {
console.log("===============err:" + JSON.stringify(err))
function getHeader(ignoreToken?: boolean): AxiosHeaders {
if (ignoreToken) {
return new AxiosHeaders({
'Content-Type': ContentType.JSON
} else {
return new AxiosHeaders({
'Content-Type': ContentType.JSON
export const enum ContentType {
JSON = 'application/json',
FORM = 'multipart/form-data'
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import { authentication } from '@kit.AccountKit';
import { BusinessError } from '@kit.BasicServicesKit';
import { hilog } from '@kit.PerformanceAnalysisKit';
import { DetailView } from '../DetailView';
import { MainView } from '../MainView';
import { MeView } from '../MeView';
struct Index {
@State currentIndex: number = 0
@Provide('pageStack') pageStack: NavPathStack = new NavPathStack();
PageMap(name: string, param: ESObject) {
NavDestination() {
if ("detail" === name) {
build() {
Navigation(this.pageStack) {
Column() {
Tabs() {
TabContent() {
.tabBar(this.tabBuilder("首页", 0, $r("app.media.tab_main2"), $r("app.media.tab_main")))
TabContent() {
.tabBar(this.tabBuilder("我的", 1, $r("app.media.tab_me2"), $r("app.media.tab_me")))
.onChange((index: number) => {
this.currentIndex = index
.onTabBarClick((index) => {
this.currentIndex = index
* 自定义导航栏的样式
* @param title
* @param targetIndex 当前item的索引
* @param selectedImg 选中时的图片
* @param normalImg 未选中时的图片
tabBuilder(title: string, targetIndex: number, selectedImg: Resource, normalImg: Resource) {
Column() {
Image(this.currentIndex === targetIndex ? selectedImg : normalImg)
.size({ width: 25, height: 25 })
.fontColor(this.currentIndex === targetIndex ? '#1396DB' : '#8B8B8B')
.clickEffect({ level: ClickEffectLevel.MIDDLE, scale: 0.6 })
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import { HistoryInfo } from "./HistoryInfo"
import { HttpUtil } from "./HttpUtil"
import { promptAction, router } from "@kit.ArkUI"
* 首页内容
export struct MainView {
@State list: Array<HistoryInfo> = []
private selectedDate: Date = new Date('2024-04-23')
@Consume('pageStack') pageStack: NavPathStack //路由栈
search(keyword: string) {
class P {
page: number = 1
pageSize: number = 10
keyword:string = ""
let p = new P()
p.keyword = keyword
HttpUtil.get("http://xxxx",p, (list: Array<HistoryInfo>) => {
this.list = list
aboutToAppear(): void {
build() {
Column() {
.padding({ left: 10, right: 10, top: 60 })
searchBuilder() {
Row() {
Button("日期", { type: ButtonType.Normal })
.onClick(() => {
start: new Date("2000-1-1"),
end: new Date("2100-12-31"),
selected: this.selectedDate,
onDateAccept: (value: Date) => {
Search({ placeholder: "请输入关键词" })
.margin({ left: 10 })
.onSubmit((value: string) => {
ListViewBuilder() {
List() {
ForEach(this.list, (e: HistoryInfo, index: number) => {
ListItem() {
itemBuilder(historyInfo: HistoryInfo) {
Column() {
Text(historyInfo.date + "-" + historyInfo.title)
.onClick(() => {
this.pageStack.pushPath({ name: "detail", param: historyInfo })
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import { HistoryInfo } from "./HistoryInfo"
import { HttpUtil } from "./HttpUtil"
export struct MeView {
@State list: Array<HistoryInfo> = []
@Consume('pageStack') pageStack: NavPathStack //路由栈
aboutToAppear(): void {
class P {
page: number = 1
pageSize: number = 10
HttpUtil.get("https:xxxxxxx", new P(), (histories: HistoryInfo[]) => {
this.list = histories
build() {
Column() {
.margin({ top: 30 })
List() {
ForEach(this.list, (e: HistoryInfo, index: number) => {
ListItem() {
itemBuilder(historyInfo: HistoryInfo) {
Column() {
Text(historyInfo.date + "-" + historyInfo.title)
.onClick(() => {
this.pageStack.pushPath({ name: "detail", param: historyInfo })
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* 详情页
export struct DetailView {
@State rotateAngle: number = 90
@State title: string = ""
@State content: string = ""
@State date: string = ""
@State x: number = 0
@State y: number = 0
build() {
Column() {
Stack() {
.margin({ top: 10 })
.margin({ top: 10 })
.margin({ top: 10 })
angle: this.rotateAngle
x: this.x,
y: this.y,
.onAppear(() => {
duration: 800,
curve: Curve.LinearOutSlowIn,
iterations: 1,
playMode: PlayMode.Normal,
onFinish: () => {
console.info('play end')
}, () => {
this.rotateAngle = 0
this.x = 1
this.y = 1
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以创建一个动态卡片为例,右键->new ->Service Widget->Dynamic Widget创建一个4*4尺寸的卡片。如图为创建的空的一张4*4的卡片。
WidgetCard.ets (卡片页面)
import { HistoryInfo } from '../../HistoryInfo';
let storageUpdateByMsg = new LocalStorage();
struct WidgetCard {
@LocalStorageProp('list') list: Array<HistoryInfo> = []
aboutToAppear(): void {
// 第一步、触发message事件 向FormExtensionAbility请求数据
postCardAction(this, {
action: "message"
build() {
Row() {
Column() {
List() {
ForEach(this.list, (e: HistoryInfo, index: number) => {
ListItem() {
.onClick(() => {
itemBuilder(historyInfo: HistoryInfo) {
Column() {
Text(historyInfo.date + "-" + historyInfo.title)
.onClick(() => {
postCardAction(this, {
action: 'router',
abilityName: 'EntryAbility', // 第四步、跳转到当前应用下的UIAbility
params: {
date: historyInfo.date,
title: historyInfo.title,
content: historyInfo.content
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import { formBindingData, FormExtensionAbility, formInfo, formProvider } from '@kit.FormKit';
import { HistoryInfo } from '../HistoryInfo';
export default class EntryFormAbility extends FormExtensionAbility {
onFormEvent(formId: string, message: string) {
let list:HistoryInfo[] = []
let history = new HistoryInfo()
history.date = "1925年"
history.title = "洛迦诺公约》正式在伦敦签字"
history.content = "在95年前的今天,1925年12月1日(农历1925年10月16日),《洛迦诺公约》正式在伦敦签字。1925年12月1日,《洛迦诺公约》正式在伦敦签字,1926年9月14日生效。公约包括:洛迦诺会议最后议定书,德、比、法、英、意相互保证条约(又称莱茵保安公约),德国同比、法、波、捷4国分别签订的仲裁条约,以及法国同波、捷两国分别签订的相互保证条约。洛迦诺会议暂时调整了西欧各国的关系恢复了德国在欧洲的大国地位,削弱了法国的领导地位。点评:法国作为一战战胜国,开始走下坡路,而德国摆脱了失败阴影,开始快速成长"
let history2 = new HistoryInfo()
history2.date = "2015年"
history2.title = "扎克伯格裸捐事件"
let history3 = new HistoryInfo()
history3.date = "2018年"
history3.title = "孟晚舟事件"
let history4 = new HistoryInfo()
history4.date = "2018年"
history4.title = "美国华裔物理学家张首晟教授去世"
class FormDataClass {
list: Array<HistoryInfo> = list
let formData = new FormDataClass();
let formInfo: formBindingData.FormBindingData = formBindingData.createFormBindingData(formData);
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import { AbilityConstant, UIAbility, Want } from '@kit.AbilityKit';
import { hilog } from '@kit.PerformanceAnalysisKit';
import { window } from '@kit.ArkUI';
import { JSON } from '@kit.ArkTS';
import { HistoryInfo } from '../HistoryInfo';
export default class EntryAbility extends UIAbility {
private selectPage: string = '';
private currentWindowStage: window.WindowStage | null = null;
onCreate(want: Want, launchParam: AbilityConstant.LaunchParam): void {
// 第五步第一种情况、获取router事件中传递的targetPage参数
if (want?.parameters?.params) {
let historyInfo = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(want.parameters.params)) as HistoryInfo
if (historyInfo) {
this.selectPage = "pages/DetailPage"
AppStorage.setOrCreate('currentHistoryInfo', historyInfo);
// 第五步第二种情况 如果UIAbility已在后台运行,在收到Router事件后会触发onNewWant生命周期回调
onNewWant(want: Want, launchParam: AbilityConstant.LaunchParam): void {
if (want?.parameters?.params) {
let historyInfo = JSON.parse(want.parameters.params.toString())
if (historyInfo) {
this.selectPage = "pages/DetailPage"
AppStorage.setOrCreate('currentHistoryInfo', historyInfo);
if (this.currentWindowStage !== null) {
onWindowStageCreate(windowStage: window.WindowStage): void {
if (this.currentWindowStage === null) {
this.currentWindowStage = windowStage;
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', '%{public}s', 'Ability onWindowStageCreate');
if (this.selectPage.length > 0) {
} else {
windowStage.loadContent('pages/Index', (err) => {
if (err.code) {
hilog.error(0x0000, 'testTag', 'Failed to load the content. Cause: %{public}s', JSON.stringify(err) ?? '');
hilog.info(0x0000, 'testTag', 'Succeeded in loading the content.');
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import { HistoryInfo } from '../HistoryInfo'
struct DetailPage {
@StorageLink("currentHistoryInfo") currentHistoryInfo: HistoryInfo = new HistoryInfo()
@State rotateAngle: number = 90
@State title: string = ""
@State content: string = ""
@State date: string = ""
@State x: number = 0
@State y: number = 0
build() {
Column() {
Stack() {
.margin({ top: 10 })
.margin({ top: 10 })
.onClick(() => {
.margin({ top: 10 })
.padding({ top: 80 })
angle: this.rotateAngle
x: this.x,
y: this.y,
.onAppear(() => {
duration: 800,
curve: Curve.LinearOutSlowIn,
iterations: 1,
playMode: PlayMode.Normal,
onFinish: () => {
console.info('play end')
}, () => {
this.rotateAngle = 0
this.x = 1
this.y = 1
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